25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parishioners,

    On October 17, 18, and 19, we will be having a parish mission here at Sacred Heart.  We will try to make the event as safe as possible. We might all agree we need a spiritual shot in the arm after the last two years.

    One of the things that we need to recapture is our understanding that the Eucharist is a central part of our Christian life.  We were encouraging people to stay home for many months, and we still do not have the Sunday Mass obligation back in force.  It is understandable since COVID is still lurking.  Maybe we have grown used to staying away on Sunday.  Why should we return?  The mission will hopefully remind us of the many graces the Eucharist affords.

     Fr. Britto Berchmans will be leading our mission.  Some people may remember him from 2015.  He came and presented a mission here at that time.  He is a priest of the Archdiocese of Chicago.  He has a PHD in communications and he has taught at the graduate level in Rome and in Chicago. He has been a pastor for many years at St. Paul of the Cross for years.  This is a 4,000-family parish in Park Ridge.  He knows about parish life and parish liturgy. I know him personally. He is an inspirational presenter. I would encourage everyone to mark out these days on your calendar.

May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you this week.

Fr. Mark

P.S.  I asked couple weeks ago if someone wanted to donate $4,000 for a ramp that would extend from the parking lot on the East side of the property to the door of the Culemans Hall.  Someone has stepped forward with the donation.    Thanks to that anonymous person the ramp will soon be put in. I would also like to acknowledge Jesus Vargas and Cliff Zerull who have done a lot of manual labor this summer taking out trees and shoring up sidewalks and making drainage better around the property.  Please thank them when you see them.  They have really worked hard.



Homily: St. Matthew the Apostle (Matthew 9:9-13)


Homily: 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time (James 5:1-6) “Blessed are the Lowly”