Homily: Feast of St. Lawrence

Feast of St. Lawrence (2 Corinthians 9:6-10)

Deacons in the early church had the task of taking care of the poor. Pope Francis has continued the tradition in that he has an “almoner” whose job is to serve the poor around the Vatican. The Pope has had meals with the homeless. He also put in showers so they can wash up in the restrooms by St. Peter’s colonnade.

In the 2nd Century, St. Lawrence was Pope Sixtus’ point man for the poor. During this time a persecution broke out. Christians were arrested and one of the men of great interest was Lawrence since he was a deacon in charge of managing the Pope’s finances.

The Roman prefect had Lawrence brought before him. He demanded that Lawrence turn over the Church’s riches. Lawrence asked for time to gather the monies that the prefect wanted. He was given some time. When the appointed hour came to turn over the cash, Lawrence had assembled the poor of the city to whom he had given assistance. He said to the Roman government officials that the poor were the Church’s true riches.

Lawrence, legend has it, was sentenced to death. He was roasted over an open fire by his torturers. It is said that at a certain point, Lawrence cried out that he needed to be turned over on the griddle so that his front as well as his back could be cooked.

Even the manor of Lawrence’s death might be the stuff of legend, there is little doubt that he was a deacon and a martyr. His death inspired many and offers lessons we can all reflect on.

The main lesson is, that when we serve the poor, we serve Christ. Pope Francis has reminded us by word and action of that fact again and again. If we have no sympathy in our hearts for the needy, then somehow, we have forgotten what the primary mission of the church is.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is my attitude toward the poor? Is it one of judgement or empathy?
  2. Am I more comfortable giving money to help the poor or am I more comfortable doing direct service?


Dear Parishioners, 

          During this week, we will be resurfacing and striping the old Bank Parking lot. Hopefully, we will also be installing a ramp from the parking lot to the door north door of Culemans Hall. This will make things a lot safer for all who are now using this area of our property.

          I would like thank Jesus Vargas and Cliff Zerull who worked hard to shore up the sidewalk outside the West door of Culemans Hall that was washing out. They also buried the drainage pipe off the roof of the grade school so that water would not wash over the sidewalk. They put in a lot of sweat equity on a hot day so that we will have dryer surfaces to walk on. Thank them when you see them. They have done some other difficult projects as well. Thanks to all our Gardening Committee workers who work so hard.

          May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over us today. 

          Fr. Mark


Homily: Feast of St. Clare (2021)


19th Sunday in Ordinary Time