Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parishioners,
Welcome back! This should be what we are saying to all those who are starting to attend Mass again. But it seems hard to say that on any particular Sunday. People have been slowly resuming their Mass attendance over the last few months. I hope that we continue to see people returning in the weeks ahead. Know that I am glad to see you.
We have a lot to do to rebuild our community. Hopefully, we can restart some parish activities. We will be having a scaled down version of our secondhand sale. We also will be having a Vacation Bible School in July. There will be some social events. We hope to have an outdoor movie his summer for example. There will be another outdoor Mass on July 4th. The first outdoor Mass of the summer was on Memorial Day Weekend, and it was well attended.
We grieve those who died over the last year and a half. We also are saddened that there were celebrations that were scaled back like Easter celebrations and Christmas celebrations. We are an Easter people however and we will rise again. We live in hope that as time goes by things will get better. The history of salvation is not like a timeline that has a smooth trajectory upward, but the history of God’s people is a line that is jagged. We endure setbacks as we endure misfortune, but then we rebound and continue towards our ultimate fulfillment in Christ. This is the hope we live with.
Let’s try to live in that hope. From desolation can come lessons that mold us into an ever more virtuous people.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark
P.S. Thank you for all the cards and gifts I received on my birthday and on the anniversary of my ordination. They are greatly appreciated. Hopefully, I can continue to serve you in the years ahead and we can all grow in holiness and in a spirit of community.