The Most Holy Trinity
Dear Parishioners,
On Memorial Day, I will be having Mass at St. Mary’s cemetery at 9:00AM. Fr. Dittmer will be out of town. There will also be a Mass at Calvary Cemetery in Rock Island. On Memorial Day we remember not only those men and woman who died in service of our country, but we also remember all those who have gone before us in faith. This is a wonderful tradition. I would encourage people to attend these outdoor Masses.
We have two seminarians that will be ordained this Saturday. Their names are Nicholas Wilson and Austin Bosse. Please pray for them as they begin their priestly ministry. Ordination day is a wonderful Diocesan Celebration. The vocation of being a priest is a challenge and has never been more challenging than in the world we live in today.
Bishop Tylka recently celebrated his 25th anniversary of Ordination at the Cathedral in Peoria. We all congratulate him and wish him many more productive years in ministry.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.
Fr. Mark