Homily Fifth Thursday of Easter (Acts 15:7-21) “Follow the Spirit=Risks”

Homily Fifth Thursday of Easter (Acts 15:7-21) “Follow the Spirit=Risks”

There have been 21 ecumenical councils in the history of the church.  The most recent was Vatican Council II which was held from 1962-65.  How often is a council held?  It might seem strange, but there is no set time frame.  An ecumenical council is called whenever there is a crisis in the church.

We read of the first ecumenical council in the Acts of the Apostles (chapter 15). The crisis that precipitated this council was the     question over whether gentiles could be admitted to the church.  Some Jewish Christians said no, only Jewish converts should be allowed.  Paul argued for letting non-Jews in.

Paul points out that the gentiles, who had been baptized, had received the gift of the Holy Spirit. James, the leader of the Jerusalem church, joins Paul and advocates for admission of the gentile converts.  He says strongly that the Spirit should not be squelched.  Paul and James win the day and because they did, I am a Christian today and so are millions of other people who are not Jewish.

I always feel like a sign that the Holy Spirit is operating is that a person or the church moves in a revolutionary direction.  Many of us tend to try to talk ourselves out of change.  It is safer to keep doing what we always have been doing. But that is usually a recipe that leads to sloth and a slow demise. 

When we move with the Spirit it usually means that we try new things and take risks.  That leads to an underlying excitement in our lives.  We are energized and find hope. 

Reflection Questions:

  1. When have I moved in a completely new direction in my life?  Was I afraid to make that move?
  2. Am I listening to the Holy Spirit in my life?  What are the proofs that I am?


Dear Parishioners,


          Our COVID Blues Raffle is off to a good start.  So far, we have about seven or eight thousand dollars’ worth of tickets sold.

          I would remind everyone that the prizes are as follows:


          First Prize is 35% of the proceeds,

          plus, mirrors from the priest’s old rec room.


          Second Prize is 10% of the proceeds, plus a Renoir Print.


          Third Prize is 5 % of the proceeds and a painting.


          Fourth Prize is a beer can we found in the walls when

          we were renovating the Lee Center this fall.


          All proceeds will be used to offset the roof damage on our buildings from the harsh winter.  If you did not get a flyer, we have them in our office and in the church.  Please be generous.

          May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you.


          Fr. Mark







Fifth Friday of Easter (Acts: 15:12-17) “Being Zealous is not Always Good.”


Homily Fifth Wednesday of Easter (Acts 15:1-8) “Am I Qualified to Follow Jesus?”