Homily Fourth Friday of Easter (John 14:1-6) “Which Way Did He Go”
Homily Fourth Friday of Easter (John 14:1-6) “Which Way Did He Go”
There are a lot of jokes about men trying to find their way to a new place. Men hate to ask for directions it is said. Women are quick to admit they are lost and to stop and ask for help.
I would have to say that before there was GPS, I spent a lot of time losing my way. I would keep driving thinking my destination was just a little farther or I would try to look around the next corner. When they put a feature on a car that told me what direction I was going it helped me a lot. When the first GPS was available, I was quick to get one.
Years ago, when we were driving to a new place, we all would get directions. Sometimes we would get verbal directions. Other times someone might write the directions on a sheet of paper. Another option was for someone to draw us a map. Whatever way the directions came to us there was probably a 50/50 chance we would get lost.
I remember several times when I was lost and stopped to ask directions to someone’s house. Usually, I would get verbal directions. I would try to remember them, but that often would be confusing. Once in awhile someone would be really nice and say, “Let me get in my car and you can follow me, and I will take you where you want to go.” I felt happy when they offered to do that. It saved a lot of time.
Jesus says in the Gospel today, “I will go and prepare a place for you and I will come back and take you to myself.” Jesus shows us the way through life and the way after death. He will accompany us throughout. What a comforting image! We just need to follow his example and walk with him and we will end up in a place of eternal bliss.
Reflection Questions:
- Have I ever been lost my way trying to get somewhere? How did it feel?
- Do I let Jesus show me where to go? Do I listen for his directions?
Dear Parishioners,
This weekend about 20 of our second graders will make their First Communion at a special 1 p.m. Mass on Sunday. This is always a special occasion and a day of joy for our parish. We try to have these celebrations at a regular Sunday Mass. This helps all parish members feel like they are a part of the celebration. But this year, because of the pandemic, we will have a separate Mass. Since a lot of people cannot be present in person, I would ask anyone reading this to remember the children in prayer. You may also watch this Mass live streamed on our Facebook page.
I am saddened to inform every one of the death of Msgr. William Watson. He was a priest of the Diocese of Peoria for many years. He was pastor of St. Thomas in Peoria Heights for a long time. He also spent twelve years as a chaplain at the University of Illinois. His first assignment was at St. Joseph in Rock Island in the 1960’s. Jim Watson, our parish trustee, is his brother. Please pray for the Watson family at this sad time.
May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark