Homily Third Monday of Easter (Acts 6:8-15) “Do Martyrs Strike Back?”

Homily Third Monday of Easter (Acts 6:8-15) “Do Martyrs Strike Back?”

How does a Christian martyr die for the faith?  I once heard of a religious leader who was said to be a martyr. He was in jail the day he died and a lynch mob came to get him.  The jailors had not done a very good job searching the man.  He had a gun and fired on the crowd and the mob fired back killing him.  He was a martyr that shot back at those who wanted to put him to death.  We could point to several examples in history of people who went down fighting and were called martyrs.  But this would not be martyrdom in its strictest sense.

Today we read the story of the person we call the first martyr, St. Stephen.  Stephen died in the way that Christians would expect a martyr to die.  What are the qualifications of a Christian martyr?

First, they die bearing witness to the faith.  Stephen was arrested because he was preaching in the streets of Jerusalem about Jesus.  He was telling others about Jesus’ message and death.  He was not trying to gather followers for himself but trying to help others to believe in Jesus.

The second characteristic of a martyr is that they offer no violent resistance to their persecutors.  Jesus was non-violent so was St. Stephen.  When he was arrested, he did not answer violence with violence.

The third characteristic of a martyr is that they do not equivocate. Stephen did not apologize or deny the fact that he had taught others about Jesus.  When he was asked by the authorities what he had said he did not change his story even though he knew it would lead to punishment and death.

The last quality of a martyr is that they forgive their enemies before they die.  We see people throughout history who have done this.  Christians like Thomas More and Miguel Pro.  When we talk of martyrs, we should remember their qualities.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Can I think of anyone who has died with the four qualities of a martyr?  Who were they?
  2. Could I ever die such a death?  What aspects of martyrdom would I struggle with?

Dear Parishioners, 

          Seton Catholic Grade School and Alleman Catholic High School are now registering students for the fall.  If your children or grandchildren are looking for a faith-based education hopefully they will consider the parochial schools.  We have room for students at every level.

          This has been a tough year for all our children.  They need a supportive environment, and they will especially need this as we begin a new academic year.  Our schools have done a good job during the pandemic. It will take dedication from parents, faculty and parishioners if we want our schools will be strong in the years ahead.  Please show your support in whatever way you can.

          I was at Alleman’s virtual Heritage Ball the other night.  The financial support that was given there was most gratifying to see.  Let’s pray that support continues.

          May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints protect you today.

          Fr. Mark 





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