Homily Wednesday In the Octave of Easter (Luke 24:23-35) “Where is Jesus?”

Homily Wednesday In the Octave of Easter (Luke 24:23-35) “Where is Jesus?”

When the pace of life was slower, and priests would take a rest after Easter before there were all the modern gadgets that are supposed to save us work but seem to create more work. In times where people actually took days off and did not carry their work with them on a cell phone there was a little custom that was observed on Wednesday in the Octave of Easter.

A priest might get in his car at the beginning of the day and just start to drive. Maybe they would know someone who lived in the direction there were going or maybe they would not.  Perhaps they would drive by a town and they would remember someone that they had known from days gone by.  The priest would pull off the road to stop by their friend’s house.  If they were home, a relationship would be renewed. News would be shared about how life was going.  A meal might even be eaten.  The whole experience would not be rushed, but it would be a relaxed encounter.

If there was no friend that lived along the way.  The pilgrim might just look at the spring flowers or take a little hike. A roadside diner might offer a place to encounter some people that the priest had not met before.  Maybe he might sit down at the counter and strike up a conversation with the people that were there.  Maybe some jokes would be told or a sad story. Perhaps a new friend would be made.

The point of the whole day was that the priest was seeing if they could meet Jesus along the road.  Of course, every person is an image of Christ.  At the end of the day, the pastor would come home and share with parishioners who they had met and what their stories were.

To strike out in such a fashion was an act of faith.  The day trip was undertaken with a sense that most people are friendly and have stories to share. We never know where we will meet Jesus.  We will probably notice that he is much easier to find than we think.

Reflection Questions:

  1. Have I ever just struck up a conversation with a stranger?  Was that something that was more prevalent years ago?
  2. Where might I go to find Jesus today?  Do I feel like I need an appointment with him?  What is wrong with that idea?

Dear Parishioners,

          Remember that tomorrow we start having a 6:30 Mass in the morning.  The second Mass be at 8:15 p.m. and will be a school Mass. Seton School is now having classes until 2 p.m. each day. We will have limited seats available for parishioners.

          You will notice that there is an abatement company on the property.  We are removing asbestos from the old rectory at the present time.  We are also contracting with a company to tear down the rectory.  This will happen as soon as school dismisses for the summer.

          Please keep our Confirmation students in your prayers.  There will be Confirmation on Monday night here at Sacred Heart with Bishop Tylka.

          May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.


          Fr. Mark   




Homily Friday in the Octave of Easter (Jn. 21:14) “Go Back to Galilee”


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