Holy Saturday (2021) How It Ends: A Poem for Holy Saturday
Holy Saturday (2021)
How It Ends: A Poem for Holy Saturday
She used to say she loved
those TV movies about Jesus,
but hated the crucifixion scene
even though it was toned down
in the grains of 1970’s film,
palatable to the eyes of those
eating dinner in front of
a flickering screen.
This is us, now, knowing
how it all ends, knowing
in three days the lungs of God
would reinflate.
Knowing the ending, could I
ever comprehend the blackness,
ever imagine the darkest
Saturday in history?
A King’s body shrouded in spices
And linen lay withering
behind stone,
The budding bloom of salvation,
Trod by
His creation.
O my God
Today the sun scatters clouds
the sun that once turned away
at your final earthly breath
as the lion lay shorn and still.
May I never forget
the darkest day of history
spring stopped, waiting,
pressing her face
at the tomb’s door.
Jen Rose Yokel
Dear Parishioners,
Keep in mind tonight’s Easter Vigil will be livestreamed. We will have seven baptisms, four confirmations and five first communions. This will truly be a great night for our parish. During the pandemic, we continue to have people who want to deepen their commitment to Christ and the commitment of their children. This is a sign of hope. Let’s rejoice in it this Easter.
Remember also that we will livestream the Mass at 9 a.m. Mass tomorrow for those who could not reserve a place at our Easter Masses. We will also have communion in the parking lot after Mass by the east door of the church. We are sorry we could not accommodate everyone who wanted to attend. The main priority, of course, is to stay safe. One day soon maybe we will come out of the tomb and find new life.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark