Homily Fifth Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Numbers 21:4-9) “The Cure is Like the Disease”
Homily Fifth Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Numbers 21:4-9) “The Cure is Like the Disease”
Recently I received my second dose of the Coronavirus vaccine. I had heard stories about people’s adverse reaction to the vaccine. Some people had reported symptoms like the disease itself for brief times. People said that they had a slight fever or that they were extremely tired for a day. Others had symptoms of other types.
Why is it that when we get inoculations like a flu shot that many people seem to get sick for a while. Somehow it has something to do with the fact that the serum used is usually a manipulation of the infection itself. Antibodies are produced by the body if we slowly introduce the disease into a person. This is my interpretation of what is going on and is far from scientific. But the overall point is that the cure is produced by the disease itself.
We see an illusion to this idea in the scriptures we share today. When the people of Israel complain against Moses as they make there way through the desert toward the promised land, serpents come among the people and begin to bite them. Moses produces a cure by putting a bronze serpent on a pole and carrying it through those who had been bitten. The cure is produced by the very creature that had brought the suffering.
The Gospel has the same sort of implication. When the Pharisees attack Jesus and try to discredit him, he says he when he is lifted-up they will realize their mistake and come to the belief that he is the Son of Man. The “lifted-up” he refers to could mean his crucifixion, his resurrection or his ascension.
We think of his crucifixion. Jesus’ death on the cross was a humiliating event for him. The death and torture of Christ was a hideous thing to behold. He hung naked before the world and it seemed like he was defeated. But his death led to healing for the world. This expression of self-sacrifice has caused innumerable Christians to leave selfish ways of living behind. His act of love has transformed the world again and again.
Reflection Questions:
- Have I had the experience of getting sick in order to find health? When was that?
- Has Jesus’ crucifixion healed me in any way? Have I ever thought about it?
Dear Parishioners,
Spring is coming and it is time to have people sign up for our Grounds and Garden Committee. This is one activity that we do not need to limit or curtail because of COVID. Sacred Heart has a large campus to take care of and it is an anchor for our neighborhood. I often see people walking through our campus on a nice Spring day or a summer evening.
This past winter was especially brutal to our buildings and grounds. Could you adopt a plot of landscaping and take care of it this year? All you need to do is weed it and trim the bushes. It is a great help to us.
If you can help, email Cliff Zerull and he will get you started. His address is cliffordzerull@gmail.com.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.
Fr. Mark
P.S. We now have some dining room chairs and a chandelier that we would like to sell or give away from the old rectory. If you are interested call our office.