St. Patrick’s Day (2021) “Do Good to Those who Persecute You”
St. Patrick’s Day (2021) “Do Good to Those who Persecute You”
Many legends are connected to St. Patrick. He was said to have driven the snakes out of Ireland but, there were never any snakes in Ireland. He also was credited with developing the Celtic cross, but his cross was around before St. Patrick started his missionary work.
The true story of Patrick is much more interesting. Patrick was born in Scotland in the fifth century to a privileged family. He was a spoiled young man who looked forward to an easy life. He did not pay much attention to his faith even though his grandfather was a priest.
But then one day his life changed. He was kidnapped and sold into slavery in Ireland. He spent six years in difficult circumstances. He tended his master’s sheep spending his time outside in the elements. He began to pray for divine guidance. Finally, he discerned that he should try to escape, which he did. He made his way back home.
When he got home his family thought he would take up his former life, but he determined that he would be a priest. He went back to Ireland which was mission territory. Missionaries had gone there before but had failed to convert many to Christianity. Patrick knew the language and the culture, so he was able to succeed in his missionary efforts.
The Irish people were divided into tribes that were led by chieftains. Patrick knew that if he converted the chieftains, he would convert their whole tribe and ultimately the whole country. The first chief Patrick preached to, was the man who had been his master when he was a slave. It must have been difficult for Patrick to preach about the love of God and forgiveness as he spoke to the man who once had treated him so badly, but his sincerity must have impressed the man who had persecuted him. Patrick forgave and loved others as Jesus did.
Patrick had many struggles in his missionary work. He was known to be insecure at times and questioned his on worthiness for his mission, but he overcame all this and is revered today.
Reflection Questions:
- Is it easy for me to forgive those who have persecuted me? Would I have tried to help people who had once enslaved me?
- Patrick did not feel worthy of his ministry. Are there any perfect ministers?
Dear Parishioners,
Each Easter we ask if people would like to donate Easter flowers. Easter is fast approaching, and we are going to ask if people would like to donate flowers in memory of a loved one. The typical donation that we would ask for is $40. The plants can be given in memory of a deceased loved one.
If you would like to participate in this project and you receive monthly envelopes you can use the one that comes in that packet, or you can just drop an envelope in the collection with “Easter Flowers” marked on it. Include the name the person you would like to remember inside the envelope with your donation.
The names of those being memorialized will be listed in an upcoming Easter bulletin.
May Our Lady and all the Angels and Saints watch over you today.
Fr. Mark