Homily Third Friday of Lent (Mk. 12:28-34) “The Most Important Prayer”
Homily Third Friday of Lent (Mk. 12:28-34) “The Most Important Prayer”
Religious leaders in Biblical times were often asked to distill all religious teaching down to one pithy statement. Throughout the Old Testament we read about attempts to do this.
We can think of Psalm 24:
“Who can ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Or who may stand in his holy place?
He whose hands are sinless, whose heart is clean.
Who desires not what is vain, nor swears deceitfully to his neighbor.”
Jesus chooses to quote the Shema which is the most important of all Jewish prayers. A practicing Jewish person was expected to recite this prayer at the beginning and end of each day. Parents were to teach their children this prayer.
Jesus words remind us that Jesus teaching was not completely new, but it was derived from the Old Testament. Jesus was not crafting a new Theology, but he was emphasizing Theology that was already a part of Jewish faith.
What Jesus would do was take a teaching that everyone thought was challenging and then take it one step farther. Jesus reiterated the Shema, but then he asked people to love not only their neighbors, but their enemies.
During these days of Lent, we might consider how we would answer if someone asked us to summarize what we believe about God. People in our society are not captivated by long winded answers, but they are impressed by pithy responses. Can we, in a brief statement, articulate what we believe?
- Was Jesus a Jew at the end of his life? Did he come to start a whole new religion?
- How well do I understand the Old Testament? Am I interested in learning more about it so I might understand Jesus better?
Dear Parishioners,
In this Sunday’s bulletin I shared that we are trying empty the items out of the rectory as we prepare to demolish the building. If you are interested in any of the furnishings, you can contact our office, and someone will show you through.
A couple things I did not mention were a chandelier and various throw rugs. As I have already said there is also a refrigerator and some living room furniture. We would like a donation for some of these furnishings. Some things are free. You just need to take them away.
May Our Lady and All the Angels and Saints watch over you.
Fr. Mark