Homily Second Monday of Lent (Lk. 6:36-38) “Leave the Bag at Home”

Homily Second Monday of Lent (Lk. 6:36-38) “Leave the Bag at Home”

We debate a lot about plastic bags for they are one of the things that pollute the environment.  I hate collecting them.  We say we can recycle them, but really no one wants to deal with plastic, and the bags end up blowing around in the air getting hung up on trees and being ingested by animals.  When I was a child, we put things in paper bags.  When we did this, it was said we were contributing to deforestation because trees had to be cut to make the paper.

In light of all this, I like to go the supermarkets where they let you bring your own bags.  Maybe it is also because these stores are cheaper.  I might have fit in well in Biblical times.

In Jesus’ day there were no paper bags or plastic.  The most common containers were pots and baskets.  But they could be bulky to carry around and what if you were stopping by the market on the spur of the moment?

People in the first century wore free flowing garments.  Usually there was a one-piece tunic that was like a dress that was worn over undergarments and then there was a poncho like tunic that would be worn as a coat.  If you went to the market and wanted to buy some dried beans or some wheat to grind for flour you might take your tunic and hold it out in a kind of pouch.  The merchant would pour the grain into your garment.  If you were lucky the measurement would not be precise, and you would get more.

This is what Jesus was referring to when he was preaching.  He said if you measure the forgiveness you offer exactly you can expect little mercy.  But if you are generous in mercy, you will receive much forgiveness. 

We usually forgive those that we love or those who forgive us. Can we do better than that?  Jesus says if we can, we will reap many benefits.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How quick am I to forgive?  Am I an understanding person?
  2. Do Jesus’ words about forgiveness make me uncomfortable?  Is that all right?

Dear Parishioners,


          We hear a lot about fish fries this time of year.  These are a very Catholic and they are one of the casualties of the COVID pandemic. This year we are having drive-through fish fries as we do with a lot of things.

          I would like to remind people that this Friday Seton School will be having its fish fry and it will be a drive through at Christ the King parish.  This has been a difficult year for our Catholic school.  I would encourage everyone to be generous in supporting this fund raiser.  All in all, it is a good way to observe abstinence from meat and do some almsgiving.

          May Our Lady and all the angels and saint protect us today.

          Fr. Mark






Homily Second Tuesday of Lent (Mt. 23:1-12) “Hey Look at Me, I’m Holy”


Homily Second Sunday of Lent (B) “Listen Up”