2nd Sunday of Lent (Genesis 15:5ff) 

On the second Sunday of Lent, we always read about the Transfiguration of the Lord. But we also read stories about Abraham.  

We have three cycles of reading for the Sundays of the year.   The first year on the Second Sunday of Lent we read about Abraham being called forth from his home in Haran. He is told that he will be the father of a new nation. He begins a new relationship with the one true God.  The relationship leads him to various places in the ancient world.  He never knows what is going to happen next. 

Last year on this Sunday we read the story of how God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.  As we remember God holds back Abraham’s hand when he is about to strike the death blow.   

The third reading about Abraham in the cycle of readings is the one we read today.  In this reading, God seals the covenant he has made with Abraham.  The story reflects the trust that God and Abraham have in each other.  

Perhaps the thing that is lost in the reading is that it symbolizes, once again, the mystery of the relationship that Abraham has with God. He cannot see what lies ahead of him. 

When we study the reading, we notice that when God visits with Abraham he comes during the day.  He takes Abraham outside.  We have a sense that the sun is shining.   God asks Abraham to look up at the stars in the sky.  We are left to wonder how Abraham can see any stars in the sunlight.  All this adds to the mystery. 

Perhaps we could picture the scene as if Abraham goes outside when dusk is settling in.  We have all had that experience of standing outside at sunset.  The sky begins to darken.  We might see the first star of the night sky. Gradually over the course of many minutes other stars emerge until the sky is full of stars.  When Abraham sees these many stars he then makes sacrifices to the Lord. The covenant between God and Abraham is sealed.   

The whole scene reflects the unfolding story of Abraham as he gradually comes to understand that his life with God will involve many challenges as well as many blessings.  We have the same experience as our life of faith unfolds.  We are asked to remember our covenant with God throughout Lent.  Of course, the covenant was made at Baptism.  We committed ourselves to follow Christ.  We also committed ourselves to being part of the family of the church. 

Being a member of the Church requires that we help grow the church.  We do that in our own way. We also join in with other church members to try to convince people that Roman Catholic Christianity can offer them many graces. 

Hopefully, we see the importance of the church, especially our parish church.  When we recognize the value of the church, we become committed to supporting the church. All of us who gather to pray here today are making a statement that the Body of Christ is an important part of our life.  We also make an assertion when we support the church with our almsgiving. 

Once again, during this Lenten season we are reflecting on our gifts to the weekly offertory collection.  The His Heart Our Hands initiative was a success last year. We raised the offertory amounts in our collection.  The dollars support all our ministries. 

One important ministry is catechetics.  We have many parish educational efforts that are for adults as well as children. I have been impressed in my priestly life how often it is children who lead parents to a more active faith-life. 

I could share many experiences.  I will share just one.  I was leading a baptism class this past year. Usually, we will have half a dozen couples.  Often, these couples will be people who haven’t been to church in a long time. Often the children they want baptized will be in grade school, so they are not infants.  I asked a question on this night, “Why do you want to have your children baptized?”  As we went around the room sharing, it was surprising what these young parents said. Several said, “I am here because my children asked to be baptized.” Often people are led into the church by their children. 

At Sacred Heart we have a strong parochial school program.  We have an active religious educations program.  By supporting those programs with offertory dollars, you are all spreading the Gospel.   

In the upcoming week you will be getting a mailing with a brochure and a pledge card.  Please fill out the card.  After that, return it. We will have a commitment Sunday next weekend. You can return your card by mail or fill out a card that will be in the pews next week. 

We don’t know what fruit our donations will produce.  We are like Abraham trying to see the stars that are hidden at dusk. We do know that God’s Spirit is at work.  But Christ needs our hands as we continue to build up the People of God here at Sacred Heart, Moline. 


3rd Sunday of Lent (Exodus 3:1ff) “Light My Fire”


Homily: 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Lk 6:39-45) “Seeing Eye to Eye”