Homily: Twenty-second Wednesday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-second Wednesday of Ordinary Time (Lk 4:38-44) “Go Out to the World”

Synagogues were scattered throughout the Biblical world. There was one temple in Jerusalem where the liturgy of the Jewish faith would take place. The temple could be the focal point of religious life for those who lived around Jerusalem, but it could not be so for those Jews scattered throughout the ancient world.

Jews often had to leave their homeland to find work. They migrated because of economic hardship. The Jews were like many people who leave their countries of origin today.

Whenever the Jews would move, they would build a synagogue. The synagogue was a place to study the scriptures and traditions of the Jewish faith. By the time the temple was destroyed in the late first century of the Christian era the Jews already had another way to practice their faith.

Synagogues were not only in foreign lands, but they were also in the small towns in Israel that were distant from Jerusalem. We read of Jesus being in the synagogue in Capernaum.

Synagogues could be places of prayer, but they were also places where lively debates took place about religion. When a wandering preacher came to a community, the first place they would explore would be the local synagogue. That was the case with Jesus.

It is there that Jesus drove a demon out of a man and healed him. This caused quite a stir in the synagogue. The local religious leaders did not want the services disturbed by such activities.

We notice that as Jesus’ ministry unfolded, he went into synagogues less. He began to preach and to heal in the street and in the fields. He carried his message out into the world. He is the model for us. We are to take our faith from the church to the world.

Reflection Questions:

1.    How would I feel if religious arguments took place in church? Would I consider it irreverent?

2.   Do I like street preachers? Do I see Jesus in them?

Dear Parishioners,    

            Remember that Fr. Doug Grandon will be here over the weekend. He will give a talk on Sunday afternoon about the Eucharist. Check our bulletin and WEB site for details.

            We are still recruiting people to join our OCIA class. Do you know someone who is looking for a church home? Why not invite them to explore Catholicism?

            May Our Lady Seat of Wisdom pray for us,


            Fr. Mark




Homily: Twenty-second Thursday of Ordinary Time


Homily: St. Gregory the Great