Homily: Twenty-fourth Thursday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-fourth Thursday of Ordinary Time (Lk. 7:36-50) “Good Hospitality”

There were certain customs that were observed when a visitor came to a home in 1st century Palestine. The first thing to be done was that the visitor’s feet would be washed either by a servant or by the hosts if it was a poor household. The second thing would be for the host to offer the guest oil so they could soothe their dry skin. Lastly, a kiss of peace would be offered as a greeting.

When Jesus went to the home of the Pharisee, he was not extended these courtesies. Why was that the case? We might surmise that it was a sign of disrespect. The Pharisee did not really consider Jesus a teacher he could learn from. Perhaps he wanted to put Jesus in his place.

When the sinful woman came into the house and washed, anointed and kissed Jesus’ feet she showed Jesus the respect that had been denied him.

The Pharisee tried to claim moral superiority. He thought perhaps that he was a holier man than Jesus. But as Jesus pointed out he had failed in one of the most rudimentary of responsibilities. He had failed to be a good host.

The woman who washed Jesus’ feet had failed to be a virtuous person in a very public way. She had been humbled. She did not consider herself to be superior to anyone else.

The basis of all virtue is humility. It is the beginning of holiness. Jesus was more at home with the sinful woman than he was with the Pharisee. Sinners could relate to what Jesus said. The self-righteous were put off by Jesus.

Reflection Questions:

1.    How do I greet people who come to my home? Do I treat everyone the same?

2.   Do I feel comfortable with a Jesus who communed with sinners? Why or why not?

 Dear Parishioners,

            We are continuing to recruit people for our Pastoral Council. If you are a parish member who is 18 or older we would love to have you apply to be a member of the council. You can drop your name in the collection, or you may drop in the name of someone you would like to nominate. Parish Council members will contact people who are nominated to see if they are interested.

            We have applications at our office. You are welcome to drop by and pick one up and fill it out. Members of the Pastoral council will then interview you. We need some servant leaders to step forward.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,


            Fr. Mark





Homily: Twenty-fourth Wednesday of Ordinary Time