Homily: Twenty-fifth Thursday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-fifth Thursday of Ordinary Time (Lk 9:1-6) “In Your Face”

When we want to disseminate information today, we have a lot of choices. We can ask a television station to come for an interview. We might print up a pamphlet. We can put out a Facebook Post. We might also send an email blast or a group text.

Jesus did not have all those options to share his message with the world. There was no electricity or printing presses. Most people could not even read. He had one option which was sharing with others through word of mouth. Jesus realized that he could not travel to all corners of the world himself. He had to have missionaries who could be his representatives.

His disciples went out in his name. What was the Gospel they shared. It was not just the promise of an eternal reward. We are told that the Apostles brought relief to people in the here and now. They uplifted people’s drooping spirits, and they cured the sick. The apostles preached and taught about the Kingdom of God which is in the here and now and stretches into eternity.

We are told that Jesus told them to travel light. If we carry a lot of things on a trip, we know that our possessions are like an anchor that holds us back. The apostles had to learn to ask for help. When they did, the message of Jesus spread even more. People gave the Apostles food, shelter and encouragement.

Our electronic devices may seem like they are more effective than traveling on foot from place to place. But we realize how poor communication is today. We can ignore all the messages we are bombarded with. We can’t ignore someone who is talking face to face with us. Personal witness is still the best way to teach what Jesus’ message is all about.


1.    Who taught me about Jesus? How did they do it?

2.   Do I get tired of advertisements? Is it better to ask people about a product or service?

 Dear Parishioners,

             The religious education classes that we have on Sunday are gaining students. Do you know of children who would benefit from attending. Perhaps you could be an apostle and encourage a parent to have their children attend religion classes.

            We also have started our OCIA class. Adults are also searching for the Good News of Jesus. Call our office to receive more information about any of our religious education offerings.

            May Mary, our mother, pray for us,

            Fr. Mark




Homily: Twenty-fifth Thursday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Twenty-fifth Tuesday of Ordinary Time