Homily: The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Mk 9:2-10) “A Pick Me Up”

The story of the Transfiguration happens halfway through the Gospel of Mark. It takes place right after the prediction of the passion. Jesus tells his disciples in the section right before this story that he is going to be tortured and die. He not only told them of his coming passion, but he also told them that they would all have to endure their own personal passions.

The apostles had been celebrating their success in ministry. Everyone seemed to be enthusiastic about Jesus. He was the messiah they had been hoping for. And then Jesus tells them that it is all going to fall apart. He will have to die to complete his mission.

We can imagine that the followers of Jesus were in shock. They had been in a celebratory move and suddenly Jesus lets the air out of the balloon. He is a party pooper.

The apostles needed to be reassured and the Transfiguration is that reassurance. The message was that after passion would come glory. That was what the Apostles needed to hear.

We come here in the middle of the calendar year. We are slowly winding down the summer. Probably we are a little tired and not quite ready to launch into another fall with all the many activities.

We seem to have turmoil all around us. War, hurricanes, elections, stock market collapse. And we know that our personal passion will come someday. No one gets out of this life alive.

We need to hear about Transfiguration. Our true destiny is not what we endure in the here and now. Our true goal is glorification. At the end of all time, we will share in the resurrection of Jesus. There will be no more suffering but only bliss as we live on with God forever.

Reflection Questions: 

1.    Am I tired today? Do I need good news?

2.   Do I look forward to my personal Transfiguration? What does that mean to me?

 Dear Parishioners,

             Remember that this Thursday we will be having another night of adult continuing education. We will be having a program entitled, “Ministry to Families Who Have Experienced Suicide.” If you have lost someone to suicide and are struggling to process what has happened, you may want to come and take part.

            We will have speakers and there will be a video presentation. We will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Damien Center.

            May Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us,

            Fr. Mark







Homily: Eighteenth Wednesday of Ordinary Time


Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Exodus 16:2ff) “What’s This”