Homily: Ninth Tuesday of Ordinary Time

Ninth Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Mk. 12:13-17) “Verbal Jousting”

We have all been in arguments. We could ask if disagreements lead anywhere good. They probably will if we do not have our mind already made up about the issues involved and the person, we are disagreeing with has not already made up their mind. If we have a sense that each party has made up their mind, we might say that we agree to disagree. If there can be mutual respect, then that is all right.

Jesus calls the Scribes and Pharisees who approach him in the Gospel hypocrites. Why? Because they approach him acting like they want to learn something, but they really don’t. They have their minds made up about Jesus. He is an ignorant laborer who could not know anything of any value about religion.

What is their purpose then? The reason they approach Jesus is to try and discredit him. Because they want to discredit him, they ask him the trick question about paying taxes.

How could Jesus have reacted. He could have gotten angry. Perhaps he could have gotten into a shouting match with the Scribes and Pharisees. He could have started trading insults. But Jesus knew that this wouldn’t lead to any good result.

Instead, he uses a classic ploy. He gives no answer but instead he asks a question. His question is also a trick question. The Scribes and Pharisees answer and the implicate themselves because they were cooperating with the Romans whom they despised. They were playing games just so they could be safe. Really, they were cowards. They compromised their principles to protect themselves.

Perhaps we might use Jesus’ tactics the next time we are in an unwinnable argument. We might point out that there are some questions that might never be answered. We might exercise the virtue of humility.


1.    Who do I argue with the most? Why them?

2.   Do my arguments achieve anything? Should I just be quiet or use another tactic?

Dear Parishioners,

            The Secondhand Sale is coming up at the end of the week. There are a lot of nice items to be sold. The money raised will be used to put drapes in the meeting room of the Damien Center. On a sunny day it is hard to see the televisions.

            Do you have some spare time to help with the sale? If so, call our office today. Many hands make light work.

            May our Lady of Peace pray for us,


            Fr. Mark




Homily: Feast of St. Boniface


Feast of Corpus Christi (Mk 14:12-16,22-26) “A Transformational Event.”