Homily: Feast of St. Norbert

Feast of St. Norbert (2 Tim. 2:8-15) “Jesus is Our Inspiration”

When we want inspiration, we are more prone to listen to those who practice what they preach. If someone has been through difficult times and has come through them then they have credibility.

I have been asked to take on difficult assignments in ministry. If someone asks me to take on a hard job and they have been willing to do that themselves, I listen to them for they have made sacrifices to serve the Lord. They have led by example. Conversely, if someone asks me to make a sacrifice and they have not often made one I am less enthusiastic about the job they want me to do.

St. Paul is writing from a jail cell trying to inspire Timothy who is a young bishop. Timothy, it seems, is discouraged. He is losing heart. Paul tells him to persevere.

He tells Paul that he has had tough times following Jesus, in fact, he is in prison now, but he will not give up. In the end, Paul believes there will be a great reward.

Paul says that his inspiration is Jesus himself. Jesus had many difficult moments fulfilling his mission in the world. Jesus had been ridiculed. He had friends walk away from him. Jesus had been imprisoned. He had also been tortured and killed. Paul asks if followers of Jesus can expect anything less?

Jesus was faithful to the end. He didn’t give up. Jesus trusted that in the end he would be vindicated. And in the end, he achieved eternal glory. Paul says we must keep our eye on the prize as the Lord Jesus did. Jesus is our example. He is our inspiration. Jesus is the one we rely on. We will not be disappointed.


1.    Who inspires me? Why do they do that?

2.   Is there anything that discourages me right now? What will help overcome my problem?

 Dear Parishioners,

             Remember that the rummage sale opens tonight. We have a building filled with secondhand merchandise. We also have food and a bake sale. You are invited to come in and look around.

            The money that we raise will be used to put shades in the Damien Center. When there is a lot of sunshine it is hard to see the television screens. Please come and support a good cause.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,


            Fr. Mark




Homily: Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Homily: Feast of St. Boniface