Homily: Eleventh Friday of Ordinary Time

Eleventh Friday of Ordinary Time (2 2Kings 11:1ff) “Is Indifference a Good Thing?

Power is a tremendous aphrodisiac. We have many human desires. Some of them dissipate over time. But the desire for power and influence never seems to wane.

In the first lesson today, a woman named Athaliah becomes queen of Judah. A power vacuum had come about when King Ahaziah was killed in battle. Athaliah was probably the sister of King Ahab. We read how a prince named Joash is hidden away so that he wouldn’t be murdered. Seven years later Joash is crowned king and Athaliah is executed.

We might wonder what significance this story has for us. Perhaps it is a warning of where a thirst for power can lead us. We know the old saying that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. When any organization does not have checks and balances on its leadership then that can lead to problems.

The best spiritual course is to practice the spirituality of surrender. What does this mean? Surrender means that I do not strive for more power, possessions and popularity but I try to be ambivalent about those things. I am satisfied with what I have.

We hear from the Sermon on the Mount in chapter 6 of Matthew that we should not store up for ourselves earthly treasure. Treasure does not offer us real security. Usually, treasure is like power, when we have it, we spend most of our time trying to protect it.

Real security comes from the respect that we gain from being people of integrity. True peace is attained when we have a strong relationship with God.

Once Judah returned to worshipping the one true God then peace reigned in the land. When God rules are lives, we find the calm we seek.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I know anyone who wants to hold onto power at all costs? What do I think of them?

2.   What is the material item I value the most? Would I easily give it up?

Dear Parishioners,

          Remember the Sacred Heart Reunion this Saturday from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Come enjoy food, drink and fun!

   Next week I will not be doing a post because I will be out of town attending a convention. It will be nice to take a break and see another part of the country for a few days.

          If you have any emergencies Fr. Matthew will be available to serve you. Just call our office to get in contact with him.

          May Our Lady of Peace pray for us.

          Fr. Mark



Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Mk. 4:35-41) “Am I Ready to Cross Over?”


Homily: Eleventh Thursday of Ordinary Time