Homily: Feast of St. Paul VI

Feast of St. Paul VI (Mk 10:32-45) “A Man Who Pushed the Boundaries”

Giovani Montini was born in 1898 to an affluent family in Lombardy in Italy. He was named after John the Baptist. His family was affluent, and Giovani received a wonderful education. From a young age he knew that he would have a career in the Catholic church. He was ordained at age twenty-two, but he never spent a day as a parish priest.

He started working at the age of 24 for the Secretary of State. He was immersed in the bureaucracy of the church for the rest of his life. He was recognized for his many talents. He was always a figure that was in the background working for various Popes. He was especially close to Pope Pius XII.

Paul the VI took part in many sensitive negotiations during World War II. He became a cardinal, and it was a common belief that one day he would be Pope. In 1958 it was thought that he was not ready to become Pope when Pius XII died. At that moment John the XIII became the leader of the church. He called the second Vatican Council. It was a very tumultuous time in the church’s history. There was a lot of controversy around the council.

When John XXIII died Paul VI was elected. There was a question about whether he would continue the work of the council. But he decided to continue the work of the Second Vatican Council. Paul oversaw the completion of the various documents of the council. He also began the implementation of the council.

Paul was a very introverted man. He was not a charismatic leader, but he still took bold initiatives. He was the first Pope to travel outside of Italy in one hundred years. He traveled to the United States, and he traveled to the Holy Land.

Paul was passionate about social justice. His words still ring true today. “If you want peace work for justice.” Paul VI constantly advocated for peace and Justice.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Paul finished the council that Pope John XXIII had begun. Have I ever finished a job someone else started?

2.   Paul VI moved the church forward in difficult times. Do I like to play it safe or push boundaries?

Dear Parishioners,

            One of the big events of the summer is the secondhand sale. This will be happening in June. This is a very large undertaking. We are always looking for volunteers to help. We need people to unload items and to go out and collect them. Other people need to sort and price things.

            During the sale we need volunteers to be cashiers and to work in the kitchen area. The list of things that need to be done is long. Can you help? If you can, sign up the next time you are in church or call our office and we will get you started.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,

            Fr. Mark





Homily: Eighth Thursday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Eighth Tuesday of Ordinary Time