Homily: Third Friday of Easter

Third Friday of Easter (Acts: 9:1-20) “VIP Christian”

The three most important events in the history of Christianity could be said to be the Incarnation, the Resurrection, and the conversion of St. Paul. Why is St. Paul so important?

He was the most important Theologian in the early Christian Church. He was the most influential churchman in early Christianity. He was the most important historian and writer in the early church as well.

Why do I say these things? Every religious movement usually has a founder but then there is another person who comes along and gives shape and substance to what has been started. We could think of someone like St. Francis of Assisi as the founder of a great religious movement. But it was St. Bonaventure who organized the Theological thought of St. Francis. It was Paul who systematized the preaching of Jesus.

St. Paul was also the one who gave organizational structure to the early Christianity. He developed the idea of how local churches would be organized and he founded churches throughout the Eastern Mediterranean region. He was the greatest missionary in the first century.

Paul was also the one who influenced the New Testament more than anyone else. He personally wrote a third of it. Without him we would know a lot less about Jesus.

Paul’s conversion is a story that emphasizes how the Holy Spirit was influencing events in the early church. There was no reason Paul should have become the most important Apostle. He was a Pharisee who defended the Jewish faith and persecuted Christians. Yet, through a miraculous event he became an advocate of Jesus Christ and ultimately was martyred for the faith.

1.    How much do I know about St. Paul? Would it be important to know more?

2.   We talk about the passion of St. Paul. What does that mean?

Dear Parishioners,

          Remember that Sunday we will be having the Mass that will end the centennial celebration for our church building. There will be Mass, a reception and a display from the archives of Sacred Heart Church. We will begin at 11 a.m. There will be a couple of past assistants that will be present. Also, some of the Heading Avenue Franciscans will be visiting with us.

          We will also bless a donor book that will be on permanent display in the St. Damien Center. Bill Carlough has constructed a permanent niche for the book to sit on. Please come and join us. Everyone is invited.

          May Our Lady, Patroness of Peace prayer for us,

          Fr. Mark



Fourth Sunday of Easter (Jn 10:11-18) “A Good Shepherd”


Homily: Third Thursday of Easter