Homily: Fifth Wednesday of Lent

Fifth Wednesday of Lent (Jn. 8:31-42) “Free at Last.”

“The truth will set you free.” Jesus said that. We remember that Pontius Pilate (John 18:38) asked the question, “What is truth?” at the end of his interrogation of Jesus during the trial that led to our Lord’s death.

We could ask a further question, “What sets a disciple free?” If we follow Jesus it will lead to many rewards. The reward that we always concentrate on is eternal life. But there are other benefits.

We might point to four freedoms that come our way. The first is freedom of fear. We need never walk alone again. We walk with Jesus throughout our lives. He reassures us at every moment of the Father’s love.

We have freedom from self. Most of us feel like we can get caught up in self-interest. We worry about our own security. When we leave this worry behind then we find we can move ahead with confidence.

It brings us freedom from other people. We often worry about what other people will think of us. I know when I was a young man, I was concerned about what my peers would think of my choice to be a priest. One day I decided that I was not going to be concerned about that anymore. I knew what I was being called to and that was all that mattered. That was a day of great joy.

The last freedom is the freedom from sin. We all struggle with the ramifications of sin. We wallow in guilt and shame. Jesus assures us that God loves us no matter what wrongs we have fallen into. When we realize this unending love, we are free to move ahead.

We have a lot of despair in our world. Where does despair come from? Despair comes from a feeling that we are trapped. When we experience the four freedoms just described, the truth has set us free.”

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I feel trapped right now? Why do I feel that way?

2.   Which of the four freedoms is most important to me? How might I experience this freedom?

Dear Parishioners,

            Remember that tonight our young people will have another presentation of the Stations of the Cross at 5:30 p.m. in our church. This is a shadow Stations of the Cross. There will be use of a projection screen and light to help us reflect on Jesus’ last hours.

            There will also be a simple supper after the Stations. If you have not prayed at the stations this Lent, this is a perfect opportunity. Come and be inspired.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,

            Fr. Mark



Homily: Fifth Thursday of Lent


Homily: Feast of St. Joseph