Homily: Fourth Thursday of Ordinary Time

Fourth Thursday of Ordinary Time (Mk 6:7-13) “Pilgrims on a Journey”

Jesus did not have access to the internet. There were no printing presses. The only form of communication at his disposal was word of mouth. He had to have emissaries that would work with him. He had to send those emissaries out to the world if his movement was going to grow.

He was not the only religious figure to send representatives out. Religious agents from various temples were sent out to collect funds to support places of worship. These individuals carried collection bags which they would try to fill before they went back home. The men collecting were often referred to as pious robbers by their contemporaries.

Jesus wanted his disciples to be different. The main job they had was to spread the Gospel. He was not supporting a religious site. He wanted it to be clear that he was not trying to build up a treasury. His disciples only wanted enough donations to survive.

All they wanted was hospitality. In the Middle East hospitality was owed to the stranger. Homeowners would provide a safe place to sleep. The traveler would get enough to eat so that they might make it through another day.

The apostles were not to ask for anything more than the bare essentials. When a stranger was welcomed, this was considered a blessing. The visitor would usually bless their host before they moved on to the next place they planned to go.

If this was not given it was considered an affront to the stranger and an offense against God. Jesus said that this is when you would walk away shaking the dust from your feet. The environment of an inhospitable town was considered toxic. You wanted no remnant of such a place to cling to you. We might go so far as to say that a curse was offered rather than a blessing to those who were callous toward guests. Jesus’ disciples were to offer charity to others and to receive charity in return.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Have I ever been treated rudely when I have visited a home? How did that feel?

2.   Have I had a demanding visitor? Did I think I owed them hospitality?

 Dear Parishioners,

           The Catholic Schools Mass this year will be held at Alleman this year. It will be held in the Alleman Gym on Friday at 9:30 a.m. If you would like to go just enter the doors that lead into the commons area.

          All the schools from the Illinois Quad Cities will be present. This should be a great celebration. If you are free, stop in.

          Mother Seton, pray for us.


          Fr. Mark




Homily: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord


Homily: Feast of St. John Bosco