Homily: Feast of the Chair of St. Pete

Feast of the Chair of St. Peter (1 Peter 5:1-4) “Feed the Sheep”

I have a particular affection for this piece of scripture. This was the passage that I had printed on a holy card that I had made for my ordination. On the front of the card was the image of the Good Shepherd.

It is not an image that we would equate with the Good Shepherd. It is an image of a boy with a sheep over his shoulders. The young shepherd is carrying the sheep home. A friend named Fr. Bob Reynolds drew the shepherd on my holy card. This figure was the first depiction of Jesus in Christian art.

First Peter has many challenging passages. This section pushes pastors to be generous in looking after their parishioners. We might say that this is one of the first Christian sermons that warned of the dangers of clericalism.

There were many wandering preachers in the time of Jesus. Often, they enjoyed financial benefits from their ministry that were very lucrative. It is always a temptation to temper the Gospel message to avoid controversy. People can be offended. Jesus said controversial things. He decried those who grasped for power. He condemned people who hoarded wealth while others lived in poverty. He especially criticized hypocrisy.

When these ideas are preached by a pastor, donations can dry up. That is why a lot of preachers avoid these topics. But what is good preaching about?

The good preacher comforts the afflicted, but they also afflict the comfortable. A good pastor seeks to challenge but also to console.

A good minister is not concerned with growing wealthy when working for the church. St. Paul prided himself on the fact that he made his money through his tent making. He did accept donations but those went to advance the ministry. Peter was a generous shepherd who imitated Christ even in the manner of his death. We remember him for that today.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What are the qualities of a good pastor? What does a shepherd’s care look like?

2.   What part of the Gospel challenges me? Do turn off the preacher who touches on topics I don’t like to hear about?

Dear Parishioners,

             How is your Lent going? We are having some special presentations during Lent. Fr. Britto, who has given parish missions here before, will be visiting me in March. He will be giving a mission in Orion. I am hoping to have him make a Lenten presentation while he is in town. I hope to have some details soon. His talk will be about healing relationships.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,


            Fr. Mark





Homily: Friday of the First Week of Lent


Homily: Wednesday of the First Week of Ordinary Time