Homily: Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (Galatians 5:18-25) “Which Way do I Move?”

There is a long tradition in the church of discerning spirits. We believe that there are opposing forces in the spiritual world. There is the Holy Spirit that inspires us and there are other spirits that oppose the Holy Spirit.

Jesus wrestled with these spirits. We remember how Satan tempted him in the desert. He was assured by Satan that if he cooperated with Satan, he would receive fame, fortune and power. Jesus followed the spirit of God instead.

St. Ignatius Loyola had his own system for determining what was of God and what was of the enemy. He said that what ever increases the virtues of faith, hope and love in a person is of God. Whatever causes us to doubt, despair and dislike others is from the enemy.

The fifth chapter of Galatians is Paul’s attempt to help us discern the spirits in our life. He offers a list of virtues that are symptomatic of following the enemy’s designs. He speaks of things like jealousy, rivalry, rage, and envy. The thing that we notice is that these virtues all point toward dissension and discord.

If a person is following the spirit, it is said that there is peace, patience, kindness and other positive virtues. If a person exhibits these virtues, we could say they are following the influence of the Holy Spirit.

We could look at this in relation to groups of people and the direction they move in. Is a church community following the influence of the Holy Spirit? If a parish is discerning whether they are moving in the right direction in their parish life, then they can take note there will be a calmness about the choices being made or if there a course of action is sowing discord. There will never be total agreement in any group of people but if the majority agrees about a choice that is a pretty good indicator that the group is moving with the Spirit.


1.    How do I make decisions? Do I try to move with the Spirit?

2.   Do I know someone who tries to follow the Holy Spirit? Who are they an how do I know?

Dear Parishioners,

             At the end of the month, we will be having a Ministry Fair. Many of the ministries of the parish will be inviting people to join them. Everybody from St. Vincent DePaul to the ushers will be asking for new helpers.

            The truth of the matter is that a very small number of people engage in most of the ministry in our parish. Some people may feel like they have no talent that would be useful. The ministry fair reminds everyone that there is some gift they can offer that usually involves giving some time.

            Are we a contributing member of the Sacred Heart community? If not, maybe it is time to get involved.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,

            Fr. Mark


Homily: Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch


Homily: Feast of St. Theresa of Avila