Homily: Feast of St. Denis and His Companions

Feast of St. Denis and His Companions (Lk 11:1-4) “How Do I Ask?”

Living with Jesus had to be a life changing experience. We only know another person when we travel with them, or we live with them under the same roof. The apostles saw Jesus’ daily habits. One of those daily rituals was his private prayer.

When Jesus went off by himself to pray his companions had to wonder how he was talk to God and what he was saying. The disciples must have sensed the fruits of the spirit that were the result of his personal prayer. Some of those qualities were great patience, calmness, trust, generosity and a host of other virtues that Jesus always displayed.

It was for that reason that the apostles asked Jesus how he prayed. They wanted to share in the gifts of the spirit. The apostles wanted to understand what made Jesus the way he was.

Jesus did not give the apostles just a prayer to memorize but he taught them how to address God. And he taught them what they should ask for from God.

How did Jesus talk to God? He spoke to God as if God were a loving parent. He said call God Father or Abba. Abba is a very familial term. Really it means Daddy. Many of us called our father daddy when were young. We called our mothers mommy. These words speak of a great trust in our parents. Also, they represent love for our parents. Jesus trusted the Father implicitly. He recommends we do the same.

He asks for four things in his prayer. He asks for the coming of the Kingdom. He asks for the daily necessities of life. He prays for mercy and forgiveness. Finally, he asks to be strengthened when misfortune comes. Often people pray for superfluous things. Jesus instructs us to pray for these important things.


1.    How do I address God? Does this denote trust?

2.   What in my mind is the most important thing we can pray for? Why?

Dear Parishioners,

            I went out to anoint several parishioners today. When people are in the hospital or in a nursing home we try to reach out with this sacrament.

            Many other people could benefit from receiving the grace of this sacrament. We usually try to anoint parishioners at Mass once a year. This year we will anoint parishioners at the 11 a.m. Mass on October 20th. If you have a chronic disease, are elderly or have a life-threatening illness you can receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please plan on being with us.

            May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,

            Fr. Mark






Homily: Twenty-seventh Thursday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time