Homily: Second Tuesday of Ordinary Time

Second Tuesday of Ordinary Time (1 Sm. 16:1-13) “God Chooses the Unlikely Ones” 

I have often wondered why God seemed to favor King David over King Saul. Saul does not follow God’s instructions precisely, so he is replaced by David. David, as we know, was quite the sinner himself, yet God keeps him on the throne.  

What I notice in the two men’s stories is that they had vastly different personalities. Saul seems to be kind of sullen and unsure of himself. David is dynamic and able to admit it when he makes mistakes. He bounces back from adversity. He is passionate in everything that he does including his prayer.  

We don’t see the charisma of David at the very beginning. His brothers seem like they are more qualified to be king than David. His Father does not even think to call him in from the field so that Samuel can meet him.  

David’s call seems to follow the pattern we see in the Bible. God chooses unlikely people to do his work. Why does the Lord do this? Perhaps he chooses unlikely people because he wants there to be no doubt that it is by God’s intervention that things are accomplished. 

God brings about the military victories. God picks the kings out. God intervenes to bring the conversion of a city. God uses human instruments to implement his designs. 

We seem to be able to accept this in Biblical stories but if we look at the history of the church great leaders have been raised up through the centuries. We think of people like St. Benedict, St. Francis or St. Teresa of Avila. When the church needs to be reformed than a person brings that reform about. We must learn to trust that the Lord will never forget us. 

Reflection Questions: 

  1. Which Biblical leader would seem to be the least likely hero to me? Why is that so? 

  2. Have I experienced an unlikely leader being raised up? Who was that person? 

Dear Parishioners, 

 I just learned that School has been canceled again tomorrow. Please pray for all students and parents. This must be a difficult time for them.  

Please remember that this weekend we will resume religious education classes. We will also resume children’s liturgy of the word. 

We are having Masses throughout the foul weather. Fr. Matthew and I are continuing to pray for all our parishioners. Please do not take any unnecessary chances. 

May Our Lady Pray for us, 


Fr.  Mark 



Homily: Second Wednesday of Ordinary Time


Homily: First Friday of Ordinary Time