Homily: Twenty-fourth Tuesday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-fourth Tuesday of Ordinary Time (Luke 7:11-17) “Compassion is a Small Miracle.”

When we think of Jesus raising people from the dead the story that immediately comes to mind is the raising of Lazarus. But Jesus brought two other people back to life. One was the daughter of a man named Jarus in the 5th chapter of Mark. The other was the man raised in the 7th chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

Why are these stories less famous than the raising of Lazarus? Maybe the stories in the synoptic gospels are less famous because the circumstances are not as dramatic. Lazarus was already placed in the tomb. He had been prepared for burial, even wrapped in a shroud. He had been dead for three days. There was no doubt that he was deceased.

The man we read about in today’s gospel and the girl in Matthew’s gospel were only dead for a short time. It was Jewish custom that a person who died was to be buried on the same day. The man on the stretcher had not been dead long. The question is whether he was actually dead.

In the first century it was hard to tell if someone was dead. There was no sophisticated medical equipment. It was hard to tell if comatose people are alive in the best of circumstances. Sometimes people are brain dead before they are declared dead.

If we look through ancient writings, we see many stories of people being resuscitated. In 1 Kings 17:21-22 we read how Elijah raises a widow’s son. We also know how many people have near death experiences.

What is noteworthy about this story is the compassion that Jesus shows to a stranger. He knew that the widow was in desperate straights because her son offered her the only material support, she had in life. She was destined for a life living on the streets or a life of prostitution. Jesus saves her son and restores her security.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What is the difference between resurrection and resuscitation? How was Jesus’ death experience different?

2.    Have I known someone who has had a near death experience? What did I learn from this?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Tomorrow night we were supposed to have a pre-baptism class at 7 p.m. We will have to move that class to September 28th. I have a conflict. This class is for parents who have not had a baby baptized before. This is a chance for parents to learn more about the baptismal rite itself and to find out about the different catechetical programs that Sacred Heart offers. Passing on the faith is an important responsibility. Please let parents know about this opportunity to have their children baptized.

          Several people have said that they have received texts from me asking for monetary assistance. I would never text anyone for such a request nor would I email anyone. Please do not respond to such correspondence. I have several scams directed my way every week. We all must be careful.

          May Our Lady of Peace pray for us,


          Fr. Mark


Homily: Feast of St. Andrew Kim Ta’e-gon and Paul Chong and Companions


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