Homily: Most Holy Name of Mary

Most Holy Name of Mary (Col: 2:6-15) “See How Those Christians Love One another.”

          What does it mean to be church. St. Paul writes to the Colossians sharing what it means to be church. This church community was in crisis. There was a schism developing between different factions.

          What was the argument about? We could say that the heresy that was dividing the Colossians was Gnosticism. There was a sense that a group within the church had special knowledge about what was needed to have salvation. The faction in question kept their teaching a secret. This made them feel superior to other Christians.

          Gnosticism has been a problem in religious circles for as long as there have been religions. We see this problem in our church today. At times there are groups within the church who feel like their prayer, their liturgy, their spirituality is superior to others. There is a sense that there is only one way to God, their way.

          St. Paul points out that this is not the way the Christian church works. He reminds the Colossians that what he preaches is not a secret, but it is meant for all and discernable by all. Christ did not keep secrets. His message was a message that was meant for everyone.

          St. Paul also reminds the Colossians that they if they are dividing into factions and groups than they are not really being a Christian Church. The reason for this is that Christian churches are marked by the hallmark of charity. The reason that Christianity is appealing is that Christians love one another.

          We can recognize Gnosticism if there are people that we know who gather because they feel superior. We must resist the temptation only to associate with people who share our opinions or who are attractive to us. Jesus taught us that we must reach out to those who are on the fringes of our community. Can we be the person who makes the outcast feel loved. If we try to be that person, we are truly Christ’s agent.

Reflection Questions:

1.     Do I feel superior to others who are not as educated as I am in the faith? Do I sometimes feel inferior to other believers?

2.    What can I do to reach out to those who feel left out? Can I include someone in my church circle of friends?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Tonight, we begin our OCIA program. Our task as a church is to spread the good news. One of the best ways to do this is to invite people to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a program that changes people’s lives. People who have no church home or have fallen away from the church are invited to commit or recommit to the Christian faith.

          If you know of someone who has not been baptized or confirmed, you might speak to them about joining OCIA. We are meeting on Tuesday night in Culemans Hall at 6:30 p.m. All someone needs to do is call our office and leave their name or just show up on Tuesday night.

          May Our Lady Pray for our troubled world,


          Fr. Mark



Homily: Twenty-third Wednesday of Ordinary Time


Twenty Third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Mt. 18:15-20) “The Church, Our Conscience.”