Homily: Friday of Twentieth Week of Ordinary Time

Homily: Friday of Twentieth Week of Ordinary Time (Ruth 1:1ff) “Loyalty is Key”

Ruth was an important figure in Salvation history. She was the grandmother of David. She lived at the end of the time judges were active in Israel.

The passage we read today is usually read at weddings, but it does not have anything to do with the love between husbands and wives. The affection that is described reflects the feelings that Ruth had for her mother-in-law Naomi.

Naomi left Israel with her husband Elimelech because of a famine. The two of them went to live in Moab. They had two sons and they married Moabite woman. Elimelech died and the two sons died leaving Naomi destitute. The only option for a widow in those times was to go and live with their family.

Naomi decides to go back to Israel. She tells her daughters-in-law to do the same. Ruth (one of the daughters-in-law) refuses to leave her mother-in-law. The speech we read in this section of the Old Testament expresses Ruth’s love and commitment toward Naomi.

When the two women go back to Israel Ruth meets and marries an Israelite man named Boaz. He provides a home for Ruth and Naomi. The women make it through the times by sticking together.

As we read this story, we can’t help but think of the many migrants who are migrating from place to place because of famine, war and other circumstances. Families must make difficult decisions about where they can go to find refuge.

Ruth seems like an unlikely ancestor of king David. She represents how God achieves his purposes in very unorthodox ways. Strong women are part of the family tree of Jesus, women who had to live by their wits in order to survive. In the end God’s purposes are achieved.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Was I ever forced to leave my home in order to find a safe place to stay? How did I feel at that time?

2.    Ruth was of a different race than Naomi. She is an unlikely ancestor of Jesus. What does this tell me about God’s plan for salvation?


Dear Parishioners,


          This weekend we will be selling tickets to the Fr. Damien play that will take place October 1st. The tickets will be $20 for adults and $10 for children over 10 years old. There are 350 seats available. All proceeds will be used for debt reduction for our new addition.

          There will also be raffle tickets sold for our $3,000 drawing that will take place on the same day as the performance. Just stop by after Masses and you can make your purchases. We have everything set up for the sale.

          May St. Damien interceed for the people of Hawaii who are struggling so much.

          Fr. Mark 


Homily: Passion of St. John the Baptist


Homily: Feast of St. Bartholomew