Feast of St. Lawrence Deacon and Martyr (2 Cor. 9:6-10) “All In”

Feast of St. Lawrence Deacon and Martyr (2 Cor. 9:6-10) “All In”

St. Paul was a very zealous person which was an admirable thing, but it was also something that was hard to live with.  When Paul committed to a cause he did not participate in a measured manner.  He was all in.

We can remember his days as a Pharisee.  He was a person who believed firmly that if he lived according to the law, he would become the holy person that he wanted to be.  He would be pleasing to God.  He tried to follow the law better than anyone else.

Paul also tried to convince others to keep the law.  If someone did not apply the law to their life the way Paul thought, they should he would attack them for that.  We can imagine how Jesus must have been a scandal to him.  For that reason, he persecuted those who were Christian.  He agreed that St. Steven should be put to death because Steven was a Christian who did not interpret the law to Paul’s satisfaction.

When Paul converted to Christianity it was an intense experience.  After he had his encounter with the risen Jesus, Paul became the most committed of the disciples.  He went on the road.  He gave up his home and his secure way of life to take a risk on Jesus.  Because he was so zealous, he did not think too much about what he was losing.  He thought only about what he was receiving.

The passage we read from Second Corinthians speaks about his philosophy.  He believed if someone followed Jesus halfheartedly, that they would not achieve much for Christ but if someone gave their Christian lie everything they had physically, emotionally and spiritually that rewards would come their way.

Paul had his head cut off at the end of his life because he was a disciple of Christ.  Why was he willing to give his life?  He did so because he believed that something better would come his way.  He died hoping in the Lord.

Reflection Questions:

1.  Do I give to a cause generously?  What is the cause?

2.  Do zealous people make me uncomfortable?  Why or why not?


Dear Parishioners,

         This week we are installing the audio-visual system in the Gathering Space.  This will allow us to give presentations to large groups of parishioners.  We hope that this will enhance our religious education programs in many ways.  I thank Deacon Mike Maynard and Bill Pfieffer for volunteering their time to consult with the contractor. 

        Another piece of news concerning construction is that someone has donated the money so that we can fabricate the book for donors that will be permanently installed in the hallway leading into the church.  We will be trying to make sure that everyone who donated to the TTT compaign and the Centennial Campaign will be recognized.  We thank those who continue to donate to the new addition.

        May Our Lady pray for us today,

         Fr. Mark









Feast of St. Clare of Assisi (Dt. 4:32-40) “The People of God”


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