Homily: Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time

Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time (Ex. 19:1ff) “God’s Agreements”

We can think of four major covenants in the Bible. The first covenant is made with Noah. The second is made with Abraham. The third is made with Moses. The last is the new covenant that Jesus made with the world.

The covenant Moses made was entered into on Mt. Sinai. This agreement was the most complex of the four covenants. The agreement involved moral laws and it involved liturgical rules and regulations. It referred to as the law of Moses or simply, “The Law.”

When we ask what covenant means, usually one word that is used is the definition is contract. This is a poor choice of words. A contract is a legally binding agreement. Usually, two parties are involved. Each party agrees to a set of actions they will undertake. If the first party does not fulfill their part of the agreement the second party is not obligated to fulfill their part of the contract or vice versa.

A covenant is not a legally binding agreement. What the parties say is that both parties entering the agreement will do whatever is necessary to make the covenant work. At times one party may have to do more than their fair share and that is understood. The worst thing is for a covenant to end because this will mean a ruptured relationship.

The thing that we remember about the covenants that God entered is that the Lord is always is merciful and forgiving. The Lord always goes above and beyond what is agreed to. When we humans do not fulfill our part of the bargain, God will never walk away.

We see this play out in the next part of the story. The people of God break the very first tenant of the agreement. They worship a false God. And there are consequences to this, but God does not end the covenant. God stays in relationship with the people of Israel.

We have the same assurance. God will never end the relationship we have. God made us and brought us to be. God won’t ever reject us. We have a God who loves unconditionally.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Have I ever entered a covenant? With whom and for what purpose?

2.   What is scary about agreeing to a covenant? Is a contract easier to agree to?

 Dear Parishioners,

           We have some good news about Birdies for Charity. We have collected over $13,000 in pledges. This means we will be getting that money and will be getting a percentage on top of that. These monies are always a bonus for our budget each year. We usually receive these funds in October.

          I would like to thank all those who donated to the parish in this way. It is most appreciated.


          May Our Lady pray for us Today,


          Fr. Mark




Homily: Sixteenth Friday of Ordinary Time


Homily: Feast of Joachim and Ann