Homily: Fourteenth Friday of Ordinary Time

Fourteenth Friday of Ordinary Time (Mt. 9:9-13) “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?”

Sometimes we have preconceived notions about what we read in scriptures. This may be because we have heard homilies and interpretations of the text throughout the years. What is said in this passage is that “while he was at table in his house.” This could refer to Matthew’s house or it could refer to Jesus’ house.

In Matthew 4:12 we are told that Jesus went to live in Capernaum. This implies that Jesus had a residence in Capernaum or at least he was living with someone in a place he called home. Jesus had grown up in Nazareth, but he decided to move to Capernaum. Perhaps this was because it was more of a commercial center since it was by the sea.

This interpretation leads to a whole different perspective on Jesus’ activities. He was not just a visitor who happened to dine wherever he was invited. He was a person who had a residence and who invited guests to dine there. Among the guests he invited were tax collectors and other sinners, perhaps prostitutes.

All of us are usually particular about who we invite into our home. We do not invite in strangers unless we know they are reputable people. Jesus seemed to have another way of operating. He had an open-door policy. Everyone was welcome and treated as an important guest.

I am reminded of my experience dining in soup kitchens through the years. Usually, I have been the one serving. But the best experiences have been when I have taken time to sit down with the street people who come in to eat. I find out their stories when I talk to them. Most are going through tough situations whether it is an addiction, mental illness or family strife. I have come to understand our common humanity.

I then say to myself that I should not be so judgmental. Jesus says the same thing in the Gospel story. He would rather eat with the wounded than with the self-righteous.

Reflection Questions,

1.    Who would I refuse to invite to dinner? Why?

2.   Have I ever thought of Jesus as a homeowner? How does this change how I view him?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Acolytes are a very important ministry at Sacred Heart. These are men who serve at funerals. Usually this involves serving a couple of times a month. Funerals usually take place at around 10 a.m. It does not take long to be trained. The acolytes add dignity to the service. They prepare for the service by setting things out that will be used during Mass.

          We are always looking for more men to help with this ministry. Usually, the acolytes are retired so they are free to come to Mass during the day. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please give our office a call and we will initiate your training.

          May our Lady pray for us,


          Fr. Mark







Homily: Feast of St. Benedict


Homily: Fourteenth Thursday of Ordinary Time