Homily: Fifteenth Friday of Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Friday of Ordinary Time (Exodus 1:10ff.) “Humility is the Key”

Passover is the most important feast of the Jewish liturgical calendar just as Easter is the preeminent feast of the Christian calendar. The People of Israel were freed from slavery by the hand of God. Christians believe that we have been saved from sin and death by the saving work of Jesus Christ.

The word Passover is used to describe this feast because the angel of death passed over the homes of Jewish people living in Egypt. Egyptian homes however suffered the death of their first-born sons. It was the last in a series of plagues that Lord inflicted upon the Egyptians. Pharoah had refused up until this last plague to allow the Israelites to be free from bondage. His heart was hardened.

I have always been shocked at how Pharoah could have been so obstinate. He let his people suffer sickness and deprivation of every type rather than give into the God of Israel. It was a matter of pride. Pharoah was a true despot and is a model for every other despot that has lived since his time.

Absolute dictators cannot abide the thought that they are going to lose power and they will try to hold onto power at all costs. Quite often men will come to power by election and the popular acclamation of their people. They bask in the adulation they receive, but when the time comes for them to step down, they do not want to do so even if it means terrible suffering for the people they are ruling.

We see this story being replayed around our world at the present time. How does it happen. Usually, it happens because people believe that they need a strong leader to protect them. People give up their rights because they are afraid something terrible will befall them. Usually, the dictator dies in disgrace. We need only think of men like Hitler and Mussolini to understand how Pharoah operated. Justice reigned in the end and the People of Israel left Egypt for the promised land. The story had a happy ending.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I see the story of Exodus being played out in our world today? Where and how?

2.   How might a leader be prevented from seizing absolute power? Is humility an important attribute of a good leader?

Dear Parishioners,

           Fr. Luke Spannagel will be touring our area as part of the Eucharistic revival in August. He will be giving talks at various parishes in the Rock Island Vicariate. On Sunday August 20th he will be here at Sacred Heart at 4 p.m. in the afternoon. Please mark your calendars and plan to be with us.

          A group of priests from around the nation have been selected to be traveling preachers to inspire people to recommit attending the Eucharist often. As we know, there are less Catholics attending Sunday Mass in the times in which we live. The bishops of the United States would like to turn this around. Let’s pray their efforts bear fruit.

          May Our Lady Pray for Us Today,


          Fr. Mark



Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Mt. 13:24-33) “Not What You Expect”


Homily: Fifteenth Thursday of Ordinary Time