Homily: Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk. 1:39-56) “Magnifying the Lord”

The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to her cousin Elizabeth after the Annunciation is an event that is reflected upon a lot in Catholic piety. One of the Catholic churches in my hometown was call Visitation.

What insights do we gain from this Biblical story. We can derive any number of lessons from the story. Mary was a young girl of about fourteen or fifteen. We see that she is not a docile person, but she is strong-willed.

We get the impression that she did not wait for permission to go to her cousin Elizabeth. She left home and went cross county to Elizabeth. It would be unusual for a young girl to undertake such a trip on her own. But Mary did not always act according to convention. We see that same independence displayed throughout her life. She followed Jesus from place to place.

Mary was present at the foot of the cross when others had deserted Jesus. She was also present at Pentecost in the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended on the church.

We also see Mary’s advocacy for peace and justice. After she meets Elizabeth and confirms that her cousin is pregnant, she gives her longest recorded speech, “The Magnificat.” She predicts that the mighty will be brought down, and the lowly will be lifted up.

Her task, as she explains, is to magnify the Lord. She is to point to God’s constant concern for the world and to share her story with anyone who will listen. She was the first to receive the good news of Jesus’ coming. She shared that good news with others.

We believe that the Blessed Virgin still watches over our world today. Her heart breaks when any of the poor and the powerless suffer anywhere in the world. We could point to her intercession at various times. We need her help more than ever. We can depend on her prayer for us.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What do I believe about the impetuousness of Mary? Was she an independent girl?

2.   What is Mary’s role in my spiritual life? Should a Catholic have a devotion to her?

 Dear Parishioners,

          We are finishing up some parts of the Gathering Space project during these early weeks of the summer. Today workers are sealing the black top behind the Center. Tomorrow the area will be restriped. The traffic flow will be slightly altered, and the parking spots will be bigger. They are not laid out according to the city code. Now they will be.

          We also will be starting work on the sound system in the Center. All proceeds from the Secondhand Sale will help pay for the audio visual system in our new center. Please be generous as you support our sale.

          May Our Lady Pray for Our Troubled World,


          Fr. Mark





Homily: Feast of Justin Martyr


Homily: Tuesday of the Eighth Week of Ordinary Time