Homily: Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Easter

Tuesday of the Seventh Week of Easter (Jn 17:1-11) “What Now?”

The words of the Gospel are taken from what is said to be Jesus’ final discourse. Jesus prayed for his disciples asking that they be given the gifts they would need to continue his mission in the world. Jesus could not tell the apostles everything that they would have to do in their lives as they sought to spread the Gospel messages. All he could tell them was that they would figure it out. And the church has been improvising for 2,000 years. Maybe improvising is a bad word to use. A better way to look at it is that the church has been discerning the promptings of the Spirit for two millennia.

I think we need to try to do that whatever our life situation is. I will celebrate my 41st anniversary of ordination next week. I have had six assignments. Whenever I have moved to a new ministry I have wondered if I would have the tools necessary to take up the work that I have been given. My superiors gave me few directions. They did not have firsthand experience in the parishes and Newman Centers that I worked in. They had to trust me.

Perhaps the most intimidating assignment I had was working in campus ministry at the University of Illinois. I had been a student at the University when I was a teenager and had left. It was just too big a place for me. Now I was going back to minister to undergrads, grad students and professors. I found that I was up to the task, and I enjoyed the work a great deal. I was stretched in ways that I never would have imagined.

I found out that the people I was ministering to at the university were very bright, but they had the same problems as everyone else. They had insecurities and questions about the meaning of life. When I moved from the university, I had a new sense of confidence. The assignment turned out to be a great blessing. God provided in that instance.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I need everything explained to me before I take on a task? Have I ever figured out how to solve a problem on my own?

2.   When has the Holy Spirit guided me? How did I know?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Tonight, Seton School celebrates eighth grade graduation. This has been a much better school year. Things have been almost normal fashion. The students did have a couple of years of disruption. Academically I would say that they have kept up because of the dedication of some fine teachers. Socially the students have missed out on some time together. This was difficult, but they have pushed forward.

          Please pray for our eighth graders as they move into high school.  They are our hope for the future.  They are good kids, and they will figure things out as they move forward because they have a good foundation.

          May our Lady pray for our needs this day,


          Fr. Mark




Homily: Seventh Wednesday of Easter


Homily: Sixth Friday of Easter