Homily: Fifth Friday of Easter

Fifth Friday of Easter (Jn.15:12-17) “It Is Nice to be Special.”

When we consider how we have come to be Christian we can have a sense that we did not have much choice. Many of us were born into Christian homes. Our parents chose to have us baptized. We probably went to Catholic Schools. We might have gone to religion classes offered by the parish we grew up in.

I am always taken aback when adults complain that they felt like they had religion “pushed down their throats.” When someone is an adult, they are free to become whatever religion they want. Parents who want to guide their children in moral living have good instincts. Probably they want their children to have the same sense of purpose that they feel. Parents who sacrifice to educate their children in ways of the faith are acting out of love.

The other thing that people may forget is that God is intimately involved. The Gospel of John reminds us that when we become Christian it is not an accident. We are chosen. If we know what we are chosen for we might have a different reaction to our Christian life.

We are chosen for joy. If we have a sense that we are moving in the right direction in our life it leads to a sense of satisfaction. If we feel like we are just kind of drifting along blown here and there by fate. We won’t be happy.

We are also chosen for love. The world tells us that we are to compete with one another. This message seems like it is louder as precious resources are used up. We are pushed to be suspicious of others. Christianity gives us the opposite message. We are taught to be a part of the human family. We are connected to the Body of Christ. We never need to walk alone.

We are chosen to be friends of God. Our whole Christian life is about learning this message. God wants what is best for us. God is constantly extending mercy to us. God wants to be in intimate conversation with us.

When we consider that we are chosen and why we are we usually are thankful that God has chose us. God has chosen us to be beloved sons and daughters.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Did I become Christian because of circumstances beyond my control? Did I become Christian because God chose me to be Christian?

2.   Do the two questions make a difference? Why?

 Dear Parishioners,

           I had a conversation with a parishioner today who needs to pay for some work on his home. He has had some sewer issues. He wants to earn some extra money so he can pay for this.

          He is willing to work. His specialty is yard work and landscaping. If you have a need for something like that just give him a call. His name is Jose’ and his phone number is 309-317-8173.

          Times are getting tougher. I was told recently that more people are coming to the food pantry. We have increased the amount we send to them each month.

          Sacred Heart tries to be helpful to all those who are in need. Thank you for generously supporting all our efforts to assist the poor.

          May Our Lady pray for all those who are in need.


          Fr. Mark





Sixth Sunday of Easter “More than Maintenance”


Homily: Fifth Thursday of Easter