Homily: Feast of St. Damian de Veuster

Feast of St. Damian de Veuster (Jn 15:1-8) “One With the Lepers”

St. Damian is the patron Saint of the Centennial Campaign for Sacred Heart Church. People may wonder why we chose him. There are several reasons.

The first reason is that he lived an exemplary life. He was born in Tremelo Belgium in 1840. He lived on a farm as a boy. He decided at an early age that he would like to be a priest. Since he had very little education it looked like he would not get his wish.

Finally, he followed his brother into the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the 19th century Europe was sending missionaries throughout the world.

His brother, who was older than Damian, was scheduled to be sent on a mission to Hawaii. He became sick and could not go. Damian volunteered to be sent in his place. He left home at the age of 24 and never returned.

Europeans had only been in Hawaii a hundred years, and they had brought many diseases including leprosy. The native people were ravaged by disease. A leper colony was established at Molokai. Lepers were dropped off on the beach and they could never return home. The colony was surrounded by walls of rock on three sides. Damian volunteered to go to the colony and establish a parish.

He stayed there the rest of his life. He finally died of leprosy himself. Damian fought with the government and the church so that his lepers might have adequate care. He was attacked and slandered. He persevered through it all. He is an example of fortitude and of love for others.

Damian was an American citizen when he died. He was a Belgium immigrant like the founders of Sacred Heart parish. He seemed like an obvious choice to be patron of our building project. We thank him for interceding for us.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What motivated Fr. Damian to go to Hawaii? Would I have made such a choice?

2.   Fr. Damian protested about the squaller the lepers had to live in. Have I ever complained about an injustice? Would I?

 Dear Parishioners,

           On Thursday night the Friends of the People of Haiti will be having a meeting at 6:30 in our Audio-Visual Room in Culemans Hall. This organization is looking for new leadership. The situation in Haiti is dire. No one can travel there right now. Mission trips took place regularly until a couple of years ago.

          The Friends of the People of Haiti have been around a long time and have had a relationship with a parish in that country. It would be a shame if we could not continue to support this good work. If anyone has a passion for the poor, this is your chance to try and help. Come and find out what is happening this Thursday.

          May Our Lady intercede for our brothers and sisters in Haiti.

          Fr. Mark






Homily: Fifth Thursday of Easter


Homily: Fifth Tuesday of Easter