Homily: Third Tuesday of Lent

Third Tuesday of Lent (Mt. 18:21-35) “To Infinity and Beyond”

Numbers carry symbolic meaning in the scriptures. Twelve and seven are two numbers that are very symbolic. Both numbers represent fullness. We could also think of how the number forty comes up so often. We remember that as we live out the forty days of Lent.

What does the idea of fullness mean. It means that we need not count any higher. There is as sense of completeness in these numbers. If we multiply these numbers, they represent infinity.

When Peter asks Jesus how often he has to forgive, and Jesus responds seventy-seven times this is quite a statement! The religious leader’s teachers of Jesus times thought saying that an individual needs to forgive their neighbor seven times was being very generous.

Jesus’ idea of forgiveness goes beyond being generous. He is saying we must forgive as often as we are asked for forgiveness. He even says that we must forgive not just our neighbor, but our enemy. His parable emphasizes this point.

The amount of money that the man owes to his master is quantified in the original parable. The figures given are beyond comprehension, yet the master forgives his debt. It seems impossible to be so forgiving yet that is what Jesus asks us to do. The Christian life is meant to be a challenge. We are stretched as we try to live as Jesus lived.

We are reminded though, that Jesus practiced what he preached. When his disciples deserted him during his passion, he did not write them off. He came back to them after the resurrection and he reenlisted them to spread his gospel message.

The reassuring thing for us is that Jesus forgives us just as much. Can we forgive others the way Jesus has forgiven us? That is the question we try to answer every day.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Can I forgive one person in my heart this Lent? Who does it need to be?

2.   Have I forgiven someone repeatedly? Who was that?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Remember that Fr. Pete Gaspeny is visiting us, and we are having a night of reflection tonight. The evening will revolve around the Theology of the Eucharist. What are we to believe about the true presence? This is a topic that is being discussed a lot in the church today. Come and hear that topic and others.

          The topic begins at 7 p.m. in the church. The session should last about an hour. Do you have the time this Lent to improve your understanding of this important sacrament?

          May Our Lady bring peace to our troubled world.


          Fr. Mark




Homily: Third Wednesday of Lent


Third Sunday of Lent (John 4:5-42) “Go seek out the people on the margins.”