Homily: Second Tuesday of Lent

Second Tuesday of Lent (Mt. 23:1-12)

I was out at social function the other day, and someone offered me a desert. I said no thanks. And they immediately said, “That must be part of what you are giving up for Lent.” They were right. I always try to fast and abstain a little more during these six weeks.

When we are talking with our friends during Lent the subject of what we are doing during Lent might come up. We might get into a little competition to see who is doing more. But is that the way it should be?

A story is told of a group of priests who were at a meeting with their bishop during Holy Week. Suddenly, the subject came up of who had lost more weight during Lent. One priest said he had lost five pounds. Another had lost ten. A third said he had dropped fifteen. Finally, the last priest shared. He said, “I didn’t know Lent was about getting fat off our body, I thought it was about getting fat off our souls.”

Every penance we engage in should be done to try to change our attitudes so that we might grow closer to God. Hopefully, we do penance humbly. Some of the things should be done in secret. Other things can’t be. Sometimes we will have to act differently from those around us. Some people might be embarrassed about giving up meat on Friday and eat it just so that people will not know they are Catholic. This is not being much of a witness. Could they just eat the salad and vegetables and the rest of the meal and say nothing?

When we do acts of charity, we don’t have to tell others what we are doing. We can give our money to the rice bowl and not tell others how much we can give. The funds go to help those in Ukraine, Turkey and Syria and other places where disaster has happened. We do not look for thanks, but we only look to love others because they are Jesus Christ in the flesh.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I ever tell others what I am doing for penance? Should I?

2.   Have I been embarrassed to look religious? When did that happen?

 Dear Parishioners,

        Remember that tomorrow we will be having many Lenten activities. We will have adoration from 7 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. in the St. Francis Chapel. At 5 p.m. we will be celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the church. This will be followed by the stations of the Cross at 5:30 p.m. Then we will have a simple meal at Culemans Hall. This will be followed by a video that is a mediation on the Eucharist.       

You can come to all these activities or participate in one. This is a great opportunity for prayer and renewal.


May Our Lady pray for us as we keep our Lenten Penance.


Fr. Mark


Homily: Second Wednesday of Lent


Second Sunday of Lent (Mt. 17:1-9) “Can I Shine Like Jesus?”