Homily: Fourth Thursday of Lent

Fourth Thursday of Lent (Exodus 32:7-14) “Hey, Are You Listening?”

Not many of us feel comfortable arguing with God. We probably feel that this is inappropriate, but if we have an intimate relationship with the Lord, we might see it differently. Several people in scripture had such a relationship with God.

Abraham could disagree with God. We see in the book of Genesis (18:16-33) how he argues over the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. God wants to destroy everyone in these cities because of their wickedness. Abraham argues that the just should not be destroyed like those that have sinned. In the end, God decides to spare Lot’s family because they were innocent.

That story is like the story we read from Exodus at Mass today. Moses is on the Mount Sinai receiving the ten commandments from God. Moses speaks with God for many days. The people of Israel do not think he will return so they construct a golden calf to worship. They decide that this is their God. God angrily decides he should destroy them all. Moses pleads for the people of Israel and asks God to spare them. He wins his argument with God.

We would think that God would be annoyed with the pleading of Abraham and Moses, but God listens to what they have to say. When we plead with God for something we might wonder if God will answer positively.

I have counseled with people who are unsure if God will respond to their prayers. I remind them that God is always listening. We can be sure of that. We may not have our prayers answered in the way we expect, but God is listening.

Quite often, those in distress want to tell their story and express their feelings. They may know that the hurtful situation they are concerned about cannot be “fixed.” But they just want to be heard. God will always hear us out like he heard Abraham and Moses. We may be surprised at the result.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Is there something I am praying for fervently right now? How would I feel if I do not get what want?

2.   Do I feel better if I share a burden with another person? Who do I talk to about my problems? Why do I share with them?

 Dear Parishioners,

           This weekend the Alleman Heritage Ball will be taking place. The silent bidding is starting on a variety of items. The Heritage Ball has a long tradition in our Catholic community. It is the major fund raiser for Alleman Catholic High School. No one needs to tell us that Alleman could use our support. If you would like to make a bid or buy a raffle ticket or just make a donation you can go to the Alleman WEB site or you may call the development office at Alleman.

          There is also an opportunity to go online Saturday, starting at 5:30 to watch the virtual festivities. I am sure Fr. Mirabelli and his crew would appreciate any help we can give to them.

          May Our Lady pray for our troubled world today.


          Fr. Mark


Homily: Fourth Friday of Lent


Homily: Fourth Wednesday of Lent