Homily: Fifth Friday of Lent

Fifth Friday of Lent (John 10:31-42) “Going Back to the Beginning”

“He withdrew and returned to the place where John was Baptized.” Whenever we are at a crossroads in our life it is good to step back to gather ourselves and pray over the decisions we need to make. Rather than move ahead without thinking. We are better off to discern the direction we want to go.

Jesus had just had his life threatened. The penalty for blasphemy was that a person would be stoned to death. Blasphemy revolves around claiming to be equal to God. Jesus was making that claim. He tries to defend himself by saying that he should be judged not by words, but by deeds. He had raised the dead. He had cured the sick. He had fed the multitudes. For which of these actions was he being stoned he asked? But his enemies did not want to hear it.

Other people in Jewish society were referred to as Gods. Judges were often referred to in that way because they had been consecrated to apply the law and to render decisions in the name of God. Jesus argued that he had been consecrated for a special purpose. He had not just arrived, but he had been sent by God.

We can imagine that Jesus was shaken by the threats against his life. The human side of Jesus probably needed reassurance. That is why he went back to the site of his Baptism. A voice had called from the heaves which said, “This is my beloved Son.”  Is there any wonder that Jesus wanted to relive the moment of his Baptism as he faced his passion?

When we question our Christian vocation do we go back to beginning. It might help us to visit the place of our baptism. What led to that moment in our life. Was it our parents who brought us to church for Baptism or was it a choice that we made later in life. Whatever the circumstance God’s Spirit was moving. We were reminded that we are beloved children.

Reflection Questions:

1.     Where and when was I Baptized? When I go to that spot how do I feel?

2.    Easter is approaching and I will be renewing my Baptismal promises at Mass? Am I ready to do that?

 Dear Parishioners,

           This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We will be having a procession for all who worship with us at the 4 p.m. Mass and the 11 a.m. Mass. We hope to start outside in the Memorial Garden weather permitting. This is the ideal.

          One of the benefits of having our new Gathering Space is that we can assemble there if the weather is bad and process from there. The liturgies of Holy Week invite us to engage in symbolic actions which remind us of events in the life of Christ. Two thousand years ago the followers of Jesus marched into Jerusalem. We are imitating that event as we process into the church in song.

          When you come to church Sunday, please be alert to where we will begin the liturgy.

          May Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us this Lenten Friday,


          Fr. Mark



Palm Sunday (Mt. 26;14-27:66) “What Am I Willing to Do for Jesus?


Homily: Fifth Thursday of Lent