Homily: Feast of the Immaculate Conception

Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Lk. 1:26-38) “Redeemed Now and Always”

          The dogma of the Immaculate Conception is probably one of the most misunderstood Catholic teachings. Perhaps this is the case because of the Gospel we read on this Feast. We surmise that the Immaculate Conception has something to do with the conception of Jesus. But this Feast is about the conception of the Blessed Virgin.

          Most Catholics would say that the Immaculate Conception points to the fact that Mary was sinless. But we might say that with a tinge of skepticism. Don’t all people sin? Why did sin not touch the person of Mary? Based on this reading, we might conclude that Mary was special because she said yes to God’s request that she be the mother of Jesus. Her yes, it is said, reversed the “no” of Adam and Eve. Mary cooperated fully with God. Maybe her cooperation gave her special privileges with God. At least, that is what we might conclude.

          But really the reason Mary was able to say yes to God’s plans for her was because of her Immaculate Conception. Theologians have had difficulties with this dogma for centuries because somehow it sounds like we are saying Mary didn’t have to be redeemed by Jesus. But we might say that Mary did have to be redeemed, redeemed first, redeemed before the plan for salvation could move forward.

          Before May was conceived in the womb, Jesus redeemed her. Jesus shielded Mary from original sin as she was created. Jesus filled her with grace. Jesus could do all of this because Jesus was God. Jesus was present when the universe began. Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end of everything.

          Because Mary was preserved from the inclination to sin by God, she said yes to her role in salvation history. The choice was inspired by her relationship with Jesus. Jesus’ love for Mary was present before Mary ever conceived him.

          Mary was united with Jesus before she was born. She will remain one in heart and with him for all eternity. The purpose of our existence is to achieve a similar relationship with Jesus. We are created to know, love and serve God we say. What better way to describe Mary. She was always someone who knew, loved and served Jesus.

          We live in the hope that after our earthly life is complete, we will be perfectly in love with Jesus. We pray that like Mary we will experience the fullness of redemption and live in absolute harmony with God forever.

Reflection Questions:

1.    Do I believe Mary is sinless? Why do I believe it?

2.   Can I be like Mary? Will I be like Mary?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Do not forget that we have a Mass for the Immaculate Conception tonight at 6 p.m. If you have not attended Mass, this is a good chance to meet your obligation.

          When we celebrate the Mass on Sunday at 9:15 we will commemorate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. As part of that celebration, we will be having a blessing of statues and pictures of the Blessed Mother. If you would like an image blessed bring the statue with you on Sunday.

          May Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception pray for our country.


          Fr. Mark





Second Sunday of Advent (2nd Peter 3:8-14) “Jesus is Waiting for Me.” 


Homily: Feast of St. Ambrose