Homily: Feast of St. John of the Cross

Feast of St. John of the Cross (Mt. 11:11-15) “Love in the Midst of Struggle”

St. John of the Cross is one of the giants of Christians Spirituality. He was a Carmelite Friar who lived in the 16th century. John of the Cross had a very difficult life. He was born into a poor family in Fontiveros, Spain. His father came from a wealthy Jewish family and was disowned by his family when he married a poor Christian Woman. John’s father died when he was three. His mother and his family were thrown into poverty.

St. John was put in a school for poor children. It looked like his opportunities would be limited. He eventually went to work in a hospital. The administrator of the hospital wanted John to be ordained a priest to minister at the hospital. John wanted a more contemplative life. He wanted to be a Carmelite.

When he studied at the university his intellectual talents became evident. He was ordained a priest and held administrative posts in the order. He still desired a more contemplative life. He was thinking of transferring to the Carthusians. He then met St. Theresa of Avila who was in the process of reforming the women Carmelites.

John undertook the reform of the men’s order. The Carmelites had become lax in their practice of poverty and simplicity and some of the spiritual practices. John became very unpopular when he worked to reform his religious order. At one point he was kidnapped and imprisoned. He was kept in a small room in a basement in solitary confinement for months. There was only a slit in the wall that let light in.

John of Cross finally escaped, and he continued his reform. He wrote spiritual works like the Ascent of Mt. Carmel, and he also wrote love poetry. His poems are considered some of the best that have ever been written. It is ironic that while John was imprisoned that he wrote some of his best poetry. John teaches us that even in midst of suffering it is possible to feel the love of God.

1.    What causes me to question the love for God? Why was John of the Cross able to maintain his belief in God’s love?

2.   John was a man who was small in stature and a man who lived in extreme poverty. What would have made him impressive?

 Dear Parishioners,

           The days are quickly passing as we move toward Christmas. This Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. On Sunday December 24th we will have the fourth Sunday of Advent. We will have our regular Mass Schedule on the weekend before Christmas.

          Some people will probably ask. Is my Sunday obligation fulfilled when I go to Christmas Even Mass? The answer is no. Catholics are required to attend Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Advent and Christmas Mass.

          We will have a lot of liturgies on December 24th. Hopefully, everyone will take the time to attend these important religious celebrations.

          May Our Lady of Mt. Carmel pray for us,’

          Fr. Mark




Homily: Second Friday of Advent


Homily: Feast of St. Lucy