Homily: Twenty-third Friday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-third Friday of Ordinary Time (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-27) “I Am Third”

One of the big events of the summer in the Quad Cities is the Bix Run. Thousands of people run up Brady Street Hill. Elite runners are invited from around the world to contend. In preparation for this run many of our friends and neighbors train for months. Many have no allusions about winning the race. No, they just want to finish the race.

All of this can remind us of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. If we think that our society is obsessed with sports, then we know how the Greeks felt about sports. The Olympics, of course started in Greece. Running wrestling, throwing the Javelin, were all things that the Greeks competed at.

St. Paul might fit in with pastors today. We see sports take precedence over religious practice. Sunday is now a day to watch football or for the travel team to head off to the next tournament. Fitting Mass in is a secondary consideration. Paul saw the same thing.

He said, “Why do you put so much effort into wining a prize that has very little value?” How many trophies are thrown in the dumpster after a few years. Usually, they cannot be resold unless they belong to a hall of fame athlete who auctions them off later.

As time marches on we become less able to compete in athletic contests. As our joints and bones begin to ache and throb, we may wonder if we over did it. The fame we had in high school might not seem all that important as our time in this world winds down.

St. Paul would ask the question, “What is the prize that lasts for all eternity?” The answer would be our salvation. Do we grasp at that rather than for some trophy. Gale Sayers the famous Bears running back wrote a book years ago entitled, I Am Third. He said that God was first in his life. Family was second. His ego was third. He was trying to make the point that each of us must keep our priorities in order.

Reflection Questions:

1.    What is first in my life? How do I spend my time? Where do I spend my money?

2.    How do I feel about the answers I just gave? Does something need to change?

 Dear Parishioners,

           Next Week will be Alleman’s homecoming. There will be a special Mass at 1:45 p.m. at the gymnasium.  All former alums are invited. One of the special features of the Mass will be that priest alumni will be present. Bishop Christopher Glancy will be saying Mass along with the other priests. Alleman has many former students who are now ordained.

          This should be a wonderful celebration of faith and a statement about why we have a Catholic High School. If you are free next Thursday, please stop come by. No reservations are necessary.

          May Our Lady, watch over each of us today.


          Fr. Mark




Twenty Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time - September 10, 2022


Homily: Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary