Homily: Twenty-Second Friday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-Second Friday of Ordinary Time (1 Cor. 4:1-5) “Am Dispensing Mystery?”

The idea of stewardship has been something that has been bandied about a lot over the last few years in the church. When people hear that word usually it is equated with fundraising. The concept is then quickly dismissed as a ploy to get money. We make two errors when we do this.

The first error we make is that there may be those who feel that the church should never speak of the church’s financial needs. When I was a child, we took an older lady to church. Before she would leave the car each Sunday to go into her simple apartment. She would say, “Oh we have such a good pastor, he never speaks of money!” That was the criteria for being a good priest. A parish must ask for money at times and parish leadership must keep parish members informed about financial concerns.

The second error we may make is that we might forget that stewardship involves other things. St. Paul says we are the stewards of the mysteries of God. The word he uses for steward is oikonomos in Greek. This denoted the chief steward who oversaw the whole administration of the house. The owner was still in charge, but the steward was free to make important decisions on how the owners’ assets would be used. Reliable people had to be put in such a position.

The overall message of Paul is that we have all been given a large responsibility. We have been given the truth of the Gospel. Do we hoard that truth or do we share that truth. One day we will be judged on how we have managed what we have been given.

The final judgement will be God’s. God always extends mercy to us which is reassuring. The other thing that is reassuring is that God knows our motives. Many times, good deeds have mixed motivations. Vainglory (looking for praise for doing good things) is always a danger. Our goal is that the Lord would always be impressed with our sincerity as we try to be the best stewards we can be.

Reflection Questions: 

1.    What do I think of when I think of stewardship? Am I open minded about it?

2.    Who judges me more harshly, me, others or God? How am I doing with my stewardship?

Dear Parishioners,

          As I was walking across the property today, I met one of our parishioners who was busily sweeping around a flower bed. She said, “I want to spruce things up for the outdoor Mass this weekend.” We have had many people who take care of the grounds. Some parishioners have restored the statue of the Sacred Heart and the statue of the Blessed Virgin. These statues were looking pretty worn as Summer began. Now they look fresh and new.

          Our sign at the Lee Center was pretty beat up. Cliff Zerull (our gardening committee chair) stepped up to restore it. One of the Scouts recently painted pictures on the sidewalks that are meant to stimulate or calm children with autism. There are many others who keep the grounds looking sharp. I am especially grateful to Jesus Vargas who keeps the grass mowed. All this is an example of good Stewardship.

          May Our Lady watch over our troubled world today.

          Fr. Mark


Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time - Philemon 9-10, 12-17) “Oneness Not Division”


Homily: Twenty-Second Thursday of Ordinary Time