Homily: Our Lady of Sorrows

Our Lady of Sorrows (Jn. 19:25-27) “Our Lady Weeps for her Children”

As we commemorate the life of Queen Elizabeth II. We remember that as queen she carried many titles. The Blessed Virgin Mary has many titles. Our Lady of Sorrows is one of the titles that Mary is known for.

Mary was said to have seven sorrows in her life, according to Catholic Theology. One of the sorrows of her life happened when Simeon predicted that a sword would pierce her heart. Another sorrow occurred when Mary stood at the foot of the cross and watched the torture and death of Jesus. Descriptions of these events are contained in the scriptures of today.

The rest of the sorrows are all concerned with Jesus’ passion and death and burial. But there is one sorrow that we seldom mentioned. The last sorrow of Jesus happens when she flees into Egypt with Joseph and the infant Jesus. We read of this in the infancy narrative in the Gospel of Luke. 

I think this is a very relevant story to reflect on today. Migration is an ongoing trial throughout the world for many people. If you asked any mother if she would like to stay in her home country to raise their children. Most mothers would say yes. Being at home among friends and family is always preferable. Families flee their homes for very compelling reasons.

Who can forget what is going on in Ukraine right now. How many mothers and children have fled to Poland and other neighboring countries. They did this because they feared for their children’s lives. We have seen images of terrified boys and girls whose lives have been turned upside down, but at least they are alive. How much their mothers must worry about their future.

The Blessed Virgin knows what these mothers are going through. I am sure she weeps for them. On this feast we ask for her intersession for all the refugees throughout the world.

1.    How do I feel about refugees coming to our country? Am I worried about the resources they might need?

2.    Am I willing to live with less so that others may live? How would I feel if I had to leave my home unexpectedly?

 Dear Parishioners,

           This Saturday night there will be a Mexican fiesta after the 4 p.m. Mass. There will be fun, prizes and food. The monies raised will help with extra costs that are incurred by our Religious Education program. We often have students who cannot afford the fees for religious education. We never turn them away, but we provide scholarships. We also like to provide extra’s for the children that aren’t included in the budget that will make things extra special.

          The extra monies from the fiesta could help us a great deal. Please come and support this effort.

          May Our Lady of Sorrows watch over all the displaced families in our world today.

          Fr. Mark


Homily: Feast of Saints Cornelius and Cyprian


Homily: Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross