Homily: Nineteenth Friday of Ordinary Time
Nineteenth Friday of Ordinary Time (Ezekiel 16:1-15) “Unconditional Love”
The Prophet Ezekiel was the only prophet who received his call outside Palestine. He was deported to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar in 587. Jerusalem had not been destroyed. One of the first things that Ezekiel predicted was that Jerusalem would be leveled. His prophesy came true.
The oracle that we read today is quite graphic. It speaks symbolically of the long relationship that God and his people enjoyed. The prophesy compares the nation of Israel to a baby that has been cast aside. God finds the female child on the side of the road and adopts her.
The baby has just been born and is naked and has not been washed clean after birth. God gently washes the orphaned infant. Then the Lord clothes the child and cares for it. The baby grows into a beautiful woman. The adopted daughter, unfortunately, falls into prostitution. The natural reaction of a parent might be to disown such a child, but Ezekiel says that God will not do that. God loves Israel too much to ever end the relationship.
The infidelity that Ezekiel speaks of is idolatry. Israel does not worship the one true God. God patiently waits for Israel to repent and to ask forgiveness. The Lord will wait as long as is necessary.
The relationship between God and Israel is a covenant, Ezekiel says, a covenant cannot be broken. It is unending. Such is the nature of a covenant.
Believers enter a covenant with God at baptism. We are adopted children of God. We may betray the Lord, but the Lord will never betray us. All this should be consoling to us. The relationship we have with God is always hope filled.
Reflection Questions:
1. Do I feel like when I sin God turns away from me? What would Ezekiel say about this?
2. What does it mean to be a child of God? Do I sense that I am?
Dear Parishioners,
We will be making some more adjustments to our traffic flow when school begins. Once school opens, the children will be having recess in the parking lot behind the Lee center and in the street in front of the junior high. Please keep in mind that the parking lot behind the Lee Center will be closed to traffic from 8 a.m. until about 1 p.m. on weekdays because of the ongoing construction.
All the adjustments we are making are very challenging. School begins on Thursday of next week. We are hoping that 17th avenue will be open for this weekends Masses. Thanks for your patience.
May Our Lady bring peace to our troubled world today.
Fr. Mark